- Why do I need to register?
You only need to register in order to review games, post in the forums, or submit games for review.
- How do I log in to the game?
This is just a review directory where you can give your opinion on online games to help fellow gamers decide which games to play. Click on the game's link or screenshot if you want to play the game.
- Are the MMORPGs and Online RPGs here?
Although there are a few downloadable games on GameOgre.com, each MMORPG and Online RPG is on the repective developer's website.
- How do I find the review I am looking for?
Simply click on the category that best fits what you are looking for.
- How many games can I review?
Just register and review as many games as you like.
- Will reviews be edited or monitored?
Only when needed due to bad language, blatant overuse of capital letters, self-promotion, obvious false statements etc.
- Can I review the same game more than once?
Only twice if each review is different and adds some insight into the game. The best example of multiple reviews by one person for one game would be a MMORPG that was in Beta but is now released.
- I know I can add my own Online RPG or MMORPG, but can I review it too?
No, that is self-promotion and is not allowed.
- How often will reviews be inspected?
Reviews will be checked on a regular basis to make sure that none contain inappropriate content.
- Do I have to leave comments in order to rate a game?
Yes, comments help other gamers decide whether they want to play a game or not and it also allows you to explain why you rated the game the way you did.
- Can I give a game any score that I want?
Yes, but extreme scores like 0 or 10 need to be backed up as to why you have such strong feelings towards the game. In addition, members should not use extremely low scores for the sole purpose of manipulating scores to improve the ranking of another game.
- What if I want to continue discussing a game after I reviewed it?
Every game listed in the Review Directory has its own forum where you can ask questions, share tips, try to find other gamers to adventure with, or just discuss the game. You can access a game's forum from its review page.