Ace of Spades is like Minecraft mixed with Team Fortress.

Post Date: 19:05 11-11-2014
Rating: 8
Author: Mihajlo
Comment: Ace of Spades is online first person shooter game with random generating map (like Minecraft). Game has 6 different modes (Capture the Flag, Demolition, Diamond Mine, Multi-Hill, Team Deathmatch and Zombie mod) and 4 characters (Commando, Marksman, Rocketeer and Miner) with 4 unique weapons each. I rate this game 8/10.
Post Date: 08:51 04-10-2014
Rating: 3
Author: Garagos
Comment: I don’t like Minecraft, so I can’t like this game too. 🙂
Something based on popular Minecraft game, just it is an shooter game, something like that.
Post Date: 19:55 30-07-2014
Rating: 7
Author: FrendlyLeBlanc
Comment: Hehe i love this games… Funny shooters game… Just what dont love is that because pixel game…
Post Date: 17:28 30-07-2014
Rating: 5
Author: Marks
Comment: Good game.Graphics is bad and funny game.
Post Date: 08:15 27-07-2014
Rating: 10
Author: ivekvv256
Comment: I think that this game is really fun. I love shooters, and this shooter is really unique. You can’t say that grahpics is bad since the game is made like that, and the gameplay is great so I rate it 10/10. 🙂
Post Date: 21:26 18-06-2014
Rating: 8
Author: Ckalja99
Comment: Game is easy to play and its for all ages. Graphics arent good but everything can be seen well. Game is little lile Minecraft and i can say that this game is really good :). From me a nice 8 .
Post Date: 11:47 11-06-2014
Rating: 9
Author: htsUNL1MITED
Comment: Really cool game for me 🙂
Post Date: 16:32 09-06-2014
Rating: 9
Author: 420Hairlyman
Comment: Really good game and the description of it tells you all. Its MineCraft based game where is all ‘squared’ like in mentioned game. The only difference that its a shooter game where you can either play single or with friends.
Post Date: 10:16 01-06-2014
Rating: 8
Author: bloga99
Comment: Very good game 🙂
Post Date: 17:50 30-04-2014
Rating: 10
Author: doca8
Comment: really good game, love it ^^
Post Date: 11:12 20-04-2014
Rating: 10
Author: Janko35678
Comment: Ahhh its like Minecraft. I like it so much. Graphic is good,gameplay is good everything is good
Post Date: 23:33 14-04-2014
Rating: 10
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: This picture needs an update since the whole game got revamped
Post Date: 16:44 27-03-2014
Rating: 8
Author: Chavo Ledeni
Comment: I collect experience to buy this game 🙂
Post Date: 00:48 09-01-2013
Rating: 9
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: Ok here we go this is after i tried it when it got re released by jagax graphics are like holy shit top notch my pc has never lagged so much on any game that ive played i couldn’t even fire my gun with everything on low if you dont have superpowered pc dont buy this game and dont try it also that screany for this game page here has to be updated because that is an old screany i rate it 9/10 i would rate it a perfect 10 but i miss the old version
Post Date: 00:27 06-01-2013
Rating: 8
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: Great game like it says it looks like minecraft with guns graphics are pretty good when it was in beta graphics were not that good but the game was still loads of fun and the amount of players that can be in just one server is huge you can do tons of fun stuff like dig under ground and end up in there base form your base cover up and mark your entry point and destroy them form behind its so fun i did that all the time and i got like 50 to 20 if you have not already checked this game out its worth checking out worth buying worth every penny for sure
Post Date: 13:27 13-09-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Thedarkboy
Comment: The description of the game tells about everything about the game. Graphics are just like in Minecraft. Evertyhing is built on blocks. But this is a shooter. You can just like in Minecraft build about anything. But you can kill enemy creatures with guns and that stuff too xD A pretty weird idea according to me but it actually works!
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  1. U need to pick one of 4 classes here, Commando, Marksman, Engineer or miner. Enter in to battlefield and fight vs others. What i dont like here is “minecraft” looks, i didnt play minecraft because of it so i cant like this game.
    This is basically FPS minecraft mode. In world with so many good shooter games, dont see why would i play this one.

    brankomiljus20 did not rate this post.
  2. Game graphic reminds me on minecraft. I really like this game,gameplay is interesting.You don’t see everyday shooting game with minecraft graphic.There is few classes.You choose class,then you start to shoot enemies.
    My suggestions

    djolebelevode did not rate this post.
  3. Not the best game, and I’m surprised that Jagex even acquired this game. The graphics of this game feels like a huge downgrade, far worse than Minecraft, with things feeling more pixel-y and blocks feeling flat; plus the fog makes the game feel even worse to play. Probably wouldn’t be too bad of a game to play on a low-end PC, but I just don’t see much reason to play this game even on a low-end PC. Gameplay is kind of cool though, since you can build things, so it’s more like FPS combined with sandbox. But overall, I’d rate this game a 2/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 2Snowy gives a rating of 2Snowy gives a rating of 2Snowy gives a rating of 2Snowy gives a rating of 2

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