AdventureQuest 3D and GameOgre have teamed up to offer a AQ3D Cape Promo Code Giveaway to our forum members. has a cape in this game:). To get this key, all you have to do is be registered on our forums and post in this thread asking for the free items. Your code will then be sent to you soon via PM here on these forums.



  1. Create account at: Create Account | AQ3D
  2. After you create your account go to your email to verify your account.
  3. Only Founders can play AQ3d on Steam. You were given a Founders Code.
    Enter that code here AQ3D Game & Account Login | AQ3D
    NOTE: If you are already an existing player, you must still enter a promo code here to get your promotional item in AQ3D.
  4. Look for the GET YOUR STEAM KEY button (in the Play True Cross-Platform section, just below the scheduled platform images). Click this button.[​IMG]
  5. Your AQ3D Steam Activation Key will be displayed. SELECT and COPY the code (or memorize it or write it down if you like being difficult).[​IMG]This is YOUR account’s unique key. It’s one of a kind. DO NOT SHARE THIS KEY WITH ANYONE before you use it in Steam.
  6. Install the steam client if you do not already have it Steam, The Ultimate Online Game Platform
  7. Go to your STEAM client. Find the GAMES link at the top of the page and select ACTIVATE A PRODUCT ON STEAM from the dropdown menu.[​IMG]
  8. Agree to their terms of service and when you reach the code input window PASTE (or manually type in) your AQ3D STEAM KEY into the PRODUCT CODE FIELD and click NEXT >[​IMG]
  9. If you put in the right key, Steam will let you know that you now have access to install and play the AQ3D Pre-Beta. Just go your Games LIBRARY then INSTALL AdventureQuest 3Dby double-clicking the grey title. A few seconds later you should be ready to hit the PLAYbutton![​IMG]
  10. Launch AQ3D, create character, and in your inventory will be your early access cape.


  1. Hi i would like the aq3d gameogre exclusive cape, i tried signing up to the forums but it seems my password has not arrived yet

    sirskulley did not rate this post.
  2. Thanks for the giveaway! My forums account has the same username as this. (Meidou_AE) Could send the key there or directly to my email? 😀

    Meidou_AE did not rate this post.
  3. I would love a cape code! Please have mercy upon my email here with code. Thanks.

    Wakizashi did not rate this post.
  4. Working on keys now:).

    Please remember a few things.

    1. Only one key per person.
    2. Your message does not show up here until I approve it and send the key.
    3, Do not ask moire than once.
    4. Do not post again here if you have received a key. Check the email you registered with.
    5. The forum thread has been closed for now. All those who posted there and not here received a key:).
    6. We may Stream this game at when we can:). Be sure to sign up there to get notified when:).

    ogreman did not rate this post.
  5. Can I have a key, and wish to get a black one if I can choose please

    Many Weinachten did not rate this post.
  6. so far the game is good just needs little more to it srry wrong email but i fixed it

    darkhammerhead did not rate this post.
  7. Idk if this giveaway is still active or not but if it is i would like to get the cape aswell 🙂

    Gram did not rate this post.
  8. Codes sent via email:). We also give away keys on the forum.

    The Early Access part of the codes will obviously end when AQ3D goes into Open Beta, but the GameOgre Cape part of the codes have no expiration:).

    ogreman did not rate this post.
  9. I’d love to have an exclusive Gameogre cape on my back when wandering through BattleOn!

    If there are any keys left of course! 😀

    Zimanta did not rate this post.
  10. I want exclusive GameOgre Cape from my game AdventureQuest 3D, Is there any codes left ? Can I have one ? T.T

    Fortafy did not rate this post.
  11. Could I kindly receive a free cape? I’m a tad late and I apologize for that. Thanks in advance if it’s still open! ^_^

    MemeHero did not rate this post.

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