Free multiplayer shooter from the U.S. Army.

Review Archive
Post Date: 20:21 10-08-2015
Rating: 7
Author: Septera
Comment: Americas army is FPS game published by the U.S army, it was really realistic and that time and ofered different mindset.
Before you can jump in action you need to first finish training.For example until you finish humvee training missions you cant even start driving missions.
Game is really realistic and offers great communication between players.
Post Date: 12:55 27-02-2015
Rating: 9
Author: Xicor97
Comment: The game is one of good shooting games its interesting for me even if graphics are not too good like newest games its really fun to play
Post Date: 20:06 04-08-2014
Rating: 9
Author: FrendlyLeBlanc
Comment: This is god shooter game … I had god time in her and rec if have lower pc to try 🙂
Post Date: 11:56 04-08-2014
Rating: 10
Author: ivekvv256
Comment: An interesting shooter, and simple to play shooter. I really enjoyed playing it, the sounds ingame are pretty good, and game is realistic. I rate it 10/10.
Post Date: 07:27 03-06-2014
Rating: 8
Author: bloga99
Comment: Good game 🙂
Post Date: 10:29 14-05-2014
Rating: 9
Author: savicaa
Comment: Here we have really nica gun game , this game reminds me on Counter Strike , but it has some better things 🙂
It’s really cool and i don’t think that you can get bored by it. 🙂
Mark for it is 9 🙂
Post Date: 19:37 13-05-2014
Rating: 8
Author: Frozen
Comment: Well clasic gun game i played it for a month and it’s really nice 🙂
Post Date: 15:15 01-01-2013
Rating: 8
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: Great game its free there are better versions of this game but this one is still very good and well made the graphics are good considering how old this game is and its free so if you have not checked this out yet i strongly suggest you do.
Post Date: 14:30 27-09-2012
Rating: 9
Author: ufbre
Comment: nice game,the multiplayer system is good.
The basic training is fenomenal.
I love the game.
Post Date: 11:40 11-07-2012
Rating: 9
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: Very nice game. Good graphics, nice to play. So much realistic.
Post Date: 15:52 17-04-2011
Rating: 7
Author: Lions
Comment: Realistic, fun to play, so its an overall solid game.
Post Date: 13:52 17-02-2011
Rating: 6
Author: sasuke24
Comment: This is a nice FPS. I love the multiplayer system and the graphics is good.
Post Date: 04:22 16-02-2011
Rating: 7
Author: Adrian
Comment: This is probably the most realistic shooter out there, with the only exception being the ARMA series.
Post Date: 23:33 07-12-2010
Rating: 9
Author: champking5
Comment: You know most army games will be the bomb and this one is. Its pretty much like FireTeam Bravo online. Shoot/kill the opponent troops and take land.
Post Date: 12:51 24-10-2010
Rating: 10
Author: doseng71
Comment: I am downloading the full version.
Post Date: 08:58 27-06-2010
Rating: 10
Author: PwNaGe GoD
Comment: Let me put something out here in the open. When i played America”s army i wet my pants. I get shot in the face,wet!. this game is simply amazing. Every bullet is awesome due to the graphics of me seeing my gun shoot. I loved this game.
Post Date: 04:37 12-06-2010
Rating: 7
Author: notch
Comment: America’s Army is realistic enough to be used by the US Army. You can not get more realistic than that! New shooters such as Alliance of Valiant Arms and BC2 are better.
Post Date: 05:53 16-05-2010
Rating: 8
Author: Regret
Comment: This game has to be the most realistic FPS I have ever played. I killed most people in just a few shots. I like it better when it takes a while to kill people because it gives you more of that “owned” feeling. I found campaign super fun compared to multiplayer, don’t know why lol. The game itself took me a long time to download because it was so big O_O.
I loved the commander dude though, it was funny messing up on purpose and having him say stuff lol. Overall this game is too realistic is a way but it is fun.
Post Date: 21:27 07-05-2010
Rating: 10
Author: lees
Comment: Americas Army is a wicked game
Post Date: 04:48 03-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Captain_Review
Comment: I have only played America’s Army 3 and it was the best game I have ever played! I wouldn’t believe my eyes! It is so realistic from aiding a fellow soldier on the ground in need, to weapons that the US army uses. The training is awesome because it brings you the feeling like you’re actually in the US army! I can’t stop playing this game! It is easy to kill enemies and that’s how it should be. Because about 3-6 shots will kill an enemy, not 10; well done on that. The installation took about an hour or so, depending on how many GHz ur computer is running on and the RAM. This is a completly must have game! 10 no doubt!
Post Date: 09:10 07-02-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Whitelife
Comment: I love America”s Army!
Post Date: 14:31 24-01-2010
Rating: 1
Author: jolyphs
Comment: You need to be a genius to figure out how this works out.
Post Date: 06:49 22-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: monpay
Comment: its beatiful but wer is the download link
Post Date: 00:45 20-07-2009
Rating: 5
Author: Urrthelurr
Comment: It’s a pretty good game and all. There are a few major problems though. Fist off, it takes about a day or more to download. It is kind of fun to do the trining missions. But after training is when you hit the major problem. I spent 2 hours once trying to play. Notice how I said trying. I havent seen a more complicated match making system in my life. I clicked myltiplayer. And I was like WTF what do I click now. Don’t even bother with this one. Operation 7 is the way to go.
Post Date: 02:12 13-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: ethanbubble90
Comment: how do you download the game
Post Date: 08:52 12-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: blackopps15
Comment: Americas army…is a pretty good game i heard it was in the top 5 (or am i thinking of American Army (R) or its the same game idk) but this one is good too and relistic like “fart_brando” said so i reccomend it
Post Date: 12:47 26-01-2009
Rating: 6
Author: farty_brando
Comment: This game is very cool and realistic.
The basic training I thought was amazing, with very entertaining and authentic army voice acting, although the sarge never actually cusses you out.
It is EXTREMELY realistic which, in my opinion, is frikkin’ cool, and everything about this game seems like it should be right.

Big problem though, it’s not. It’s SO realistic, that there really are no head-to-head firefights that I, as a big FPSer, enjoy. You really don’t get to run up on a guy and blast em, with the guy who aims best winning. The fact is, the guy who shoots first wins about 80% of the time. It only takes one or two bullets to kill someone, so there is no real battle, its just whoever shoots first wins, which is extremely dissapointing. You get ten times more kills based on luck then on skill.

Camping gets you HUGE kills compared to everything else, since it makes guns more accurate when you are still or laying down, and you get to shoot first which is the most important thing.

The problem is, it’s just SO realistic, that if you even get shot one time you bleed to death without the aid of a medic, and since there is only like 1 medic in the game usually your just dead, and that’s just no fun at all. Real war isn’t fun people. it’s lame.

Still, another awesomely cool thing about this, is that there are real army men who play this, and there is a little symbol next to their name when they are on active duty or wut ev. and plus they usually own at this game.

It’s also really freaking laggy in a lot of parts.

The only REAL firefights that you get in this game are from people shooting around corners at each other, like in the bridge match. You peek out and shoot, and then hide again before you can get shot. Realistic, but boring boring boring.

Maybe it’s for some people, but if you want a little bit more ‘skill’ required in aiming and thinking, your better off with a game like War Rock.

Post Date: 04:54 19-01-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Projectsniper88
Comment: I really enoy playing this game i still play up to now, no hackers and its very realestic, HUGE download but i think its worth it case of the game play
Post Date: 05:06 03-02-2008
Rating: 7
Author: exodian1
Comment: Its all right and pretty realistic, but I hate dying a lot since I am terrible at this game really hard to shoot the person at the right spot you want to.
Post Date: 19:18 29-12-2007
Rating: 8
Author: jmetal
Comment: huge download. now tht it is what 3.0.0 i cant play. very demanding of computer.
awsome game play it if u have a good computer if not than go buy one. basic training annoying, but after you get to the action youll stay on for hours on end.

graphics:9 nuff said
gameplay:7 some points of lag, if some 13 yr old has a better cpu then u watch out.
no character customization?
community:6 no censors but ppl can still get u kicked out of match. and for very dumb reasons.

misc:9 guns are realistic and well portrayed, maps are huge, missions are very realistic, although sometimes repeptive on different maps.


Post Date: 02:30 02-12-2007
Rating: 10
Author: bauldor
Comment: really good game however large download and really hard to start of.
But i more than makes up with graphics sounds and realism.
If you have this do not i repeat DO NOT buy any other AA games on ps2 because this beats em all. And its free.
Post Date: 13:10 02-11-2007
Rating: 7
Author: jedigonz
Comment: AA is pretty good and realistic but the huge downloads make me sad
Post Date: 07:24 28-07-2007
Rating: 8
Author: Tolo
Comment: Played better fps but cant beat the price!
Post Date: 17:40 14-07-2007
Rating: 5
Author: phynx477
Comment: An awesome game for someone looking for a good free, fps. Not good if you want to play a game where you’re nearly impossible to kill and spawn all the time. Make sure you do the basic training!
Post Date: 01:16 22-06-2007
Rating: 6
Author: Chaos128
Comment: Dude, War-rock is a way better game than A.A.
They have about the same graphics and guns,W.R,has
better game-play,and a straight-forward way of learning how to play. More people on W.R,and finally
it is faster to download.GET WAR-ROCK! I give it a 6.
Post Date: 17:26 05-06-2007
Rating: 3
Author: Pmppapp1
Comment: Its All and All a good game but i dislike alot about it, such as when i got the highest score and most kills etc… the other players even my team mates kick me, im like wtf… ok ill leave good luck winning without me scoring 10-20 kills each round
Post Date: 01:35 11-04-2007
Rating: 8
Author: lilpat556
Comment: one of the best multiplayer games I have ever played
Post Date: 07:50 09-02-2007
Rating: 0
Author: TSamee
Comment: The download is freakin’ huge, and when it’s over, it won’t let u unzip the file properly cause the download doesn’t bother to include the second part of the zipped installer
Post Date: 19:51 26-11-2006
Rating: 7
Author: LufisMcCormick
Comment: America’s army is a good game for what it is: it’s U.S. military propaganda. There’s a game here, somewhere, but I keep dying, like, every three seconds because some dink insists on spamming grenades and bullets into hallways I want to walk through.

If this is what the Army is like, count me out. Those terrorists are frickin’ grenade whores.

Post Date: 20:05 24-07-2006
Rating: 8
Author: Exorcism
Comment: This is the real deal (in a game ^^), training is cool… but hard, you can even get medic training, you go to class… and take a test… lol, i donno if i liked it or not, but the multiplayer is awesome ^^

You cant just run around and kill stuff, cus you die as fast as you would in real life…. Awesome… or not… cant make up my mind ^^
8 out of 10

Post Date: 13:49 17-07-2006
Rating: 9
Author: Raikahn
Comment: Since ive played this so much bfore i know all the maps objectives which makes it easier
Post Date: 23:13 21-06-2006
Rating: 6
Author: jsknight
Comment: its an good game, good graphics….yeah…but when i failed the training course this vertual seargent yelled at me “your waysting the tax payers dollars” blah blah blah………..then i got pissed and shot him XD not that im anti american or anything! so then i went to jail and got kept there 4 the rest of da REAL day… i had to close it and reopen just to get out of jail….yeah so if u play this u better be seriuos! its like REAL military training!
Post Date: 23:03 02-06-2006
Rating: 10
Author: SlySniper
Comment: One of THE best free game out there. Almost too realistic! Very nice graphics and audio! A must have for any fans of FPS!
Post Date: 03:41 24-03-2006
Rating: 8
Author: Pending_Enigma
Comment: Excellent Tacitcal First Person Shooter. Realistic Graphics, Physics, Gameplay and sound. Disregard any low ratings on this one! 8
Post Date: 22:08 15-01-2006
Rating: 0
Author: crazysnowman
Comment: none
Post Date: 07:57 01-01-2006
Rating: 10
Author: MMORPG Expert
Comment: this game is great..( and im pretty picky) ive been playing for 2 years now…
havent gotten bored yet..with greatadmins and friendly people you can drool over this for hours..” a must have game for any 1st person shooter fanatic”
Post Date: 16:19 24-12-2005
Rating: 4
Author: ReonGirl
Comment: Hmmmm… it s cool, I hope…
Post Date: 15:29 16-11-2005
Rating: 10
Author: halo_halo_2
Comment: none
Post Date: 11:26 13-10-2005
Rating: 10
Author: free killer
Comment: none
Post Date: 23:29 11-10-2005
Rating: 5
Author: NakTenDo
Comment: none
Post Date: 14:52 10-10-2005
Rating: 5
Comment: none
Post Date: 03:16 09-10-2005
Rating: 10
Author: jerry1720
Comment: none
Post Date: 14:03 04-10-2005
Rating: 10
Author: raxer92
Comment: This is the army game every ones been waiting for!!!!!! This game is very realistic but fun at the same time. It s a breakthrough of what shooters can do:)
Post Date: 19:36 24-09-2005
Rating: 0
Author: carlito6191
Comment: none
Post Date: 22:55 22-08-2005
Rating: 5
Author: grido
Comment: this is not as good as enemy territories, but it is fun for a free game.
Post Date: 19:47 29-07-2005
Rating: 0
Author: draconus
Comment: none
Post Date: 02:48 21-07-2005
Rating: 5
Author: XxXOBEXxX
Comment: none
Post Date: 21:36 25-06-2005
Rating: 5
Comment: none
Post Date: 03:56 17-05-2005
Rating: 0
Author: sjwalker
Comment: none
Post Date: 03:33 15-10-2004
Rating: 1
Author: jojo
Comment: none
Post Date: 08:49 26-09-2004
Rating: 8
Author: foolzie
Comment: The price is awesome (Free) and since it s downloadable you can have it up and running in no time. Very realistic and action packed.. Newbies beware you may get 0wned!
Post Date: 18:18 13-09-2004
Rating: 9
Author: visitor
Comment: Really good looking game (well it was really on the edge “in it s time” ,would say it is still somewhat eyecandy).
The gameplay is really good. Since the damaging is realistic (as far as I can tell:) ) ,you have to be very careful and that makes the game pretty exciting.
Only things that are somewhat annoying are the training missions ,wich you NEED to complete to get to some missions or be able to use some guns and proffesions. Sadly some of these training missions are quite long and really boring.
Post Date: 20:54 11-09-2004
Rating: 8
Author: visitor
Comment: Can t beat the price :).
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  1. fps game which is good but after some time i got bored, graphics are solid like combat arms…Overall like name says you are american soldier and gameplay is good as well…so you should check this game

    xicor97 did not rate this post.
  2. Old game with good graphics for that time it is something like medal of honor 2 i think

    theredlight3 did not rate this post.
  3. America’s Army is an interesting first-person shooter, which includes both single-player and multiplayer, and has some fun combat. The game’s graphics is really not that bad, especially for a game created in the early 2000s. I would even say that this game looks nicer than Counter-Strike 1.6, but this game is still an old game. The successors to this game such as America’s Army 3 and America’s Army: Proving Grounds are much better though, as those games have improved graphics and other improvements, but the original America’s Army would probably be a great game to play for almost any low-spec PC. Overall, I would rate this game a 3.85/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4

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