Armored Warfare is a free MMO action shooter with tanks. It launched Open Beta on October 8th, 2015. This is the latest in a growing genre that was made popular by World of Tanks. Armored Warfare is team-based with large scale battles.


Play Armored Warfare Now

Game Features:

  • Fun co-op missions.
  • Massive tank battles that rely on tactics to win.
  • Impressive graphics with CryEngine 3 technology.
  • Intense player vs. player (PvP) battles.
  • Modern battlefields instead of those focused only on World War2.


Amored Warfare
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  1. Armored Warfare is new MMO game where you control tanks.It reminds me a bit on World of Tanks because gameplay is similar and graphic is great exactly as in World Of Tanks

    TheRedLight3 did not rate this post.
  2. Its something like World of Tanks,i will try it cuz im huge fan of WoT! 🙂

    BottleOfRakija did not rate this post.
  3. I don’t like this game that much to be completely honest, it feels like bad copy of word of tanks and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, World of Tanks is much better game in almost all aspects, more popular and has frequent updates, 2/5 for Armored Warfare from NeSsQQuiCk.

    NeSsQQuiCk did not rate this post.
  4. Armored Warfare is an MMO action game which point it to destroy enemies (other players) with your weapons.As Ness. said game is really simillar to World of Tanks.That’s why I don’t like this game at all.I’ll give 3/5 to this game because of that.

    ElZarid123 did not rate this post.
  5. The game looks good with an awesome graphics ofc the gameplay is good as I have played World of Tanks and found it fun I did a little bit of research about this game and probably just a little bit of stuff that I don’t like. 🙂

    Masako ratings for this post: Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4
  6. I decided to make a review on this great vehicle WWII game. It has such a wide community with a fps style based game using vehicles instead of guns! It’s a really great game to play with teams and friends. There are many maps to play on with different players across the world.

    ugmsrocks09 did not rate this post.
  7. This game is like a tank/ war-vehicle simulator. The graphics is kinda outdated. Other tank simulator games are better in terms of graphics,
    But the gameplay and the campaign is good c:
    It has good “war feel” which is fun c:

    Thumbs Uppy~

    Mayonnaise did not rate this post.
  8. With the recent update the game has actually become quite fun and enjoyable. The PvE missions are good and the PvP with only 5v5 is now easier to find a game. The only downside at the moment is that the player base is way too small so you only really play PvE. So with more people this game definitely has some potential. Plus its free.

    Qsljic ratings for this post: Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4
  9. It feels very much similar to world of tanks only with the inclusion of PVE and modern vehicles. It’s a shame match making times are so long with it’s apparently nonexistant playerbase.

    Qsljic ratings for this post: Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4
  10. This game is very similar to World of Tanks but it is still quite good even though it feels almost like a copy. The game play is entertaining and the graphics are quite good also. If you are a fan of tanks and are tired of the tank games you have been playing you should check this one out. I rate it 4/5.

    Stroik ratings for this post: Stroik gives a rating of 4Stroik gives a rating of 4Stroik gives a rating of 4Stroik gives a rating of 4Stroik gives a rating of 4
  11. Armored Warfare is a fun tank game, very comparable to a game like World of Tanks, especially for the PvP. The PvE is definitely an interesting part of the game, but is nevertheless fun. And the game looks remarkably elegant, although it doesn’t have excellent shaders like World of Tank does. Overall, I’d give this game a 4.35/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4

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