Review Archive
Post Date: 18:38 22-06-2015
Rating: 8
Author: LosmiK
Comment: One of the greatest MMORPG cause it’s still online and going, just not the way it was during Dransik.
Post Date: 14:20 18-02-2015
Rating: 8
Author: Xicor97
Comment: Game is interesting but i dont like graphics … i Like the story so 8/10 from me 😀
Post Date: 09:53 14-08-2012
Rating: 9
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: Pore graphics but very good gameplay. The economic side of this game its that what i like the most. Hard but good made. 9/10 from me 😀
Post Date: 04:47 15-04-2011
Rating: 5
Author: sasuke24
Comment: A nice game to play. I like the game because the story-line is good.
Post Date: 04:54 21-02-2011
Rating: 7
Author: Adrian
Comment: This game surprised me, it was quite enjoyable too play. Okay graphics, music was nice.
Post Date: 01:56 20-07-2007
Rating: 2
Author: Blazzer101
Comment: not a terriable game, this game beats runescape by a long shot. but the graphics, who cares! U ALL THAT JUDGE GAMES BY GRAPHICS ARE NOOBS!!! well the game isn”t all bad until your lvl 10 of course, then u leave noob island, there is nothing to do, took me like 3 hours to find a quest that i could without paying. if you dont like paying for features, then ignore this game.
Post Date: 05:44 17-06-2007
Rating: 0
Author: Juggernott
Comment: No good. Tried it out for like 10 minutes and I just couldny stand the graphics or gameplay. Id much rather play runescape. . .
Post Date: 21:53 07-06-2007
Rating: 0
Author: dabest
Comment: this game is rubbish, i played it for 5 mins then quit, could”nt even learn to move at first and graphics are pathetic
Post Date: 22:01 24-02-2007
Rating: 1
Author: Kalashnikov
Comment: I played this game when it was open beta and owned by TKO. I had great times playing this game, the PVP was skill based, and the guild wars were alot of fun. PK”ing a group of players hunting, then rekilling them to loot there items. Or if you were a “good” person, you always had the chance to fight the evil doers. Yet that”s what they lacked, skills, so they had to balance the game for the ones who were bad at PVP.

Now since it has taken to a new direction,(upside down?) it is really just a games for peaceful losers and noob crybabies. The PVP is not skill based exactly anymore, if you have the best items, you can just stand and click. Guilds just camp bosses, so you really don”t have a chance of getting that “rare item”. Gold drops stink, so you HAVE to tradeskill for hours just to make a buck.
Items are hoarded and the player drop system is pathetic. If you are a good player, you don”t drop anything, so you have nothing to worry about.
But if you PK, you risk losing items.

Alot of the old players have either quit, or sold their accounts to noobs. Not a very big gaming community anymore, except the “hardcore-no-life AE”ers” and noobs of course. The world is so huge that it”s not populated enough. You”ll find yourself alone most of the time.

And of course, the community is has a few decent people, but it is mostly ignorant geeks who argue about dumb stuff.

I would give it a 10 if IWG didn”t ruin a great game. So instead I give it a 1 just for the memories. I don”t recommend playing this game unless you like stupid games.

Post Date: 21:28 30-12-2006
Rating: 0
Author: Asly
Comment: I played this game and loved it, that is, until the Sands of Creation expansion. The game cannot run on any platform except Windows XP. Even then, the lag is horrendous and the bugs are everywhere. Since I have Windows ME, I cannot log into the game and a cash refund is refused, all requests to support are ignored and compensation for the problems has only been offered in the form of free days. What good is that if you cannot log in?
Post Date: 18:09 21-10-2006
Rating: 2
Author: cultivated
Comment: How could anyone really like this game? After learning to move, I got sick of the movement, almost threw up when I saw the graphics…How could anyone rate this a 10.
Post Date: 08:41 26-05-2006
Rating: 2
Author: Eddii3
Comment: Dont like these graphics, they’re discusting.
Post Date: 20:30 26-03-2006
Rating: 1
Author: bigchinks
Comment: 1/10 graphics i hate them but thats just me dont know about u
Post Date: 17:32 22-02-2006
Rating: 8
Author: SirChronos
Comment: Best game I ve ever played, nothing yet has beaten it and it was the second I ever played !! Graphics aren t the best thing, but it s nice after a while. Problem is that until you are a high level it doesn t seem to offer much, in the days when it was Dransik it would get my 10, but now it seems to lack on the community side, it s well worth playing if you are a high level, everyone should try it out
Post Date: 22:56 19-02-2006
Rating: 0
Author: caleb1135
Comment: these graphics are terrible
Post Date: 13:52 29-01-2006
Rating: 2
Author: snoopyjuice
Comment: Wow man. This game bit the big one methinks. Graphics were actually a nice change for my comp from FFXI, WoW and EQ2. Only bad part about this game is the fact that tradeskills make you level up, so all you have to do is macro sewing all day long and bingo bango, you re among the highest levels in a week. if they changed that then i d go back, until then, it gets a 2.
Post Date: 08:48 28-01-2006
Rating: 5
Author: projoe11
Comment: none
Post Date: 01:00 19-01-2006
Rating: 10
Author: Sir Jerod
Comment: I ve been playing this game for about 5 years since the early beta days. This was my first introduction into the world of MMORPG. Over the years I ve had the opportunity to watch this game grow and develop. Unlike many other MMORPG games, Ashen Empires gives you the flexibility to do just about anything you want with the character. You can become a tradesman and practice the art of sewing, leather making, carpentry, jewelry making, alchemy, farming and others. There are dliterally hundreads of different monsters which you can fight as a warrior or a mage. You can wreck havoc on other players with player verus player (PvP). If you d rather not be involved with PvP aspect, Iron Will Games (IWG) provides a non PvP server as well. Ashen Empires does not limit your character, but encourages you to build it the way you want, at a pace you want. My kids have also been playing this game for about the same length of time and one of the big lessons that they have learned from this game is to how to set goals and then do what is necessary to achieve those goals. A great lesson that can be carried over to real life situations. If you are looking for a new MMORPG, give Ashen Empires a try.
Post Date: 20:43 20-11-2005
Rating: 7
Author: toasternator65
Comment: It s pretty good but, what does it mean by expiration date?
Post Date: 04:11 18-11-2005
Rating: 10
Author: Karulas
Comment: none
Post Date: 04:14 15-11-2005
Rating: 10
Author: Fali
Comment: Simply…the greatest MMORPG I ve been looking for. TR and DS kind of made it better for high levels. But we can adapt. The Community is amazing and makes up for the 2d Graphics.
Post Date: 03:59 15-11-2005
Rating: 1
Author: Blacksmith78
Comment: Definately not a game of choice. The game used to be something enjoyable, challenging to the bitter end. The new TR and DS updates are nice and all for a kiddy game. The graphics are living in the early 90 s style game. Low marketed game. Avoid starting this game unless you have some high level friends.

Graphics- Poor

PVP- Poor, really a shame too

Tradeskills- Lacking, those in aren t balanced.
Some skills can only make very few magical items for it s 100 level.

Support- Just ok

Post Date: 01:59 15-11-2005
Rating: 10
Author: Skyla
Comment: I have played AE since the old days when it was Dransik (started more than 2 years ago) and I must say that it s THE best MMORPG game I ve ever played. Yes, it has simple 2D graphics, but the game play and community more than make up for it.

The newest updates (DemonSpire and Talazar s Revenge) have really breathed new life into the game. It s run by a great group of people who really care about the game and where it s heading. They provide excellent customer service as well as actually logging into the game on occasion to interact with the community.

There is a PVP and non-PVP server so you can play in whatever way suits you. Come check it out!


Post Date: 21:26 14-11-2005
Rating: 10
Author: Zaphod
Comment: As the old saying goes, don t judge a book by it s cover. Ashen may look simple based on the 2D graphics, but it more than makes up for any visual shortcomings with rich details in game play. Multilayered skills, advance creature AI, dozens and dozens of quests, and a great community make Ashen Empires a much better play than most MMORPG. When you get tired of the empty head behind the pretty face of those other games, come play a real MMORPG.

Oh, and the new expansion pack, Talazar s Revenge, makes it even better!

Post Date: 16:36 14-11-2005
Rating: 10
Author: Toriella
Comment: Morganfey s comment really sums it up. Great game with great people all around.
Post Date: 15:22 14-11-2005
Rating: 9
Author: Maniac
Comment: A great game which offers more freedom than any other game I ve played. So many skills to play around with and no real restrictions on what you can become skilled at. It even offers two servers which can suit any type of player.

Thousands of items, hundreds of monsters, boss monsters that can kill you in one hit, good PvP, guild & party systemsm, loads of towns, great magic system.. What more could you want?

Post Date: 13:50 14-11-2005
Rating: 9
Author: Ganondorf
Comment: this game is great, you can choose from a pvp server and a non pvp server. Even the Non pvp server has some pvp in it, with the new arenas added. graphics are ok, but then again the graphics dont make the game. has over 40 tradeskills you can master, more then 7 melee skills you can master, 4 types of magery that come with alot of spells. The game has hundreds of items. what else can i say? this game is great.
Post Date: 08:24 14-11-2005
Rating: 9
Author: Myzt-UO-
Comment: Anyone remember Ultima Online s glory days? Waiting on a Pre-Ren UO server? Dransik is better still!

I dont think any more needs to be said… Welcome home to Dransik

Post Date: 07:58 14-11-2005
Rating: 10
Author: morganfey
Comment: Choice of pvp or non-pvp servers. Great customer service. Devs pay attention to player input; design special events. Great for people with lower end machines. Attractive avatars and environment. Hunt, fight, quest or simply hang out in town crafting – leatherworking, jewelry making, smithing, carpentry, cooking, farming. You can be a full on warrior, mage, combination of both or craftsman. You start your life on the island of Valinor where you ll make friends and comrades. You need not be a veteran gamer, as you can look for help in game from volunteer “newb helper” players. Great community.
Post Date: 02:53 14-11-2005
Rating: 2
Author: gamereview
Comment: pvp is lacking hugely in this game… if you are looking for pvp go elsewhere.
Post Date: 03:38 23-10-2005
Rating: 10
Author: Eothean
Comment: sweet game i give two thumbs uppp
Post Date: 00:12 31-07-2005
Rating: 2
Author: fragmaster
Comment: old 2d style, hated it!
Post Date: 17:05 09-03-2005
Rating: 5
Author: peachy
Comment: none
Post Date: 02:05 08-01-2005
Rating: 9
Author: Sway
Comment: This is a great game. I took time off from it and tried several other more graphically complex games, but I came back to Ashen Empires because the community is great, there are many quests, the game is run by a good company, and it s updated regularly. I totally recommend it.
Post Date: 02:11 02-01-2005
Rating: 10
Author: advancedabdi
Comment: i don t know how to start this game that runescape better than runescape
Post Date: 16:09 08-10-2004
Rating: 10
Author: tintintin
Comment: none
Post Date: 16:06 21-09-2004
Rating: 10
Author: ChaosOverlord
Comment: none
Post Date: 16:02 19-09-2004
Rating: 5
Author: visitor
Comment: none
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  1. Ashen empires is older mmorpg game with medival thematics.
    Game has everything as other mmos combat , crafting and still great community.
    Paying features is a big minus sadly 🙁

    Septera did not rate this post.
  2. Ashen Empires 2d older mmorpg created by Jason Lothgar Ely.This game was free to play to 2002(open beta)and later officially released in 2003.Game was good for that time but it was destined this game will fail because,there came some better mmorpgs with better graphic 🙁

    TheRedLight3 did not rate this post.
  3. Even if this game is more than 10 years old, this is still one of my own time favorites. Graphics are a bit outdated, however, the pro is that this game is still a free game. The only reason I come back to this game basically due to the competitive pricing and dynamic quest.

    ugmsrocks09 did not rate this post.
  4. This game is really cool , but i haven’t tried this one , i like it’s graphics because some of the adventure games , that’s the thing that ive like tho, For you to download it , here’s some step
    Setup & Installation
    To play Ashen Empires, you need two things: an account and the Pixel Mine Launcher.

    1) Create a Pixel Mine Games account (Create your account)
    2) Download the Pixel Mine Installer (Download)
    3) Next, run the Installer. It will add the Pixel Mine Launcher application to your computer.
    4) Run the Launcher.
    5) Use the account you just created to log in (Launcher will begin patching and restart).
    6) Log in again, select Ashen Empires, and press “Patch”, then “Play” once all files are downloaded.

    Nhecole did not rate this post.
  5. The graphics seem kinda bad.. Not bad, but rather… Outdated. Well it’s classic i’ll give points for that.
    But still, wont appeal much on new gen players

    Ill give it a 6.5/10

    Thumbs uppy~

    Mayonnaise did not rate this post.
  6. One of the greatest MMORPG I’ve played in my youth. The combat, crafting, music and social community. I don’t know what to say about it other than just how much memory it brings back each time I hear the music starting.

    Qsljic ratings for this post: Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4
  7. Well it’s old and it stays I’ll give it that. Players now tend to just play this out of nostalgia. Graphics aren’t to brag about but it was really pretty at the time that it came out. With today’s standards the game will just be a meh

    Rueness did not rate this post.
  8. Ashen Empires is an alright game; very old though, and there’s a lot of features in this game that wouldn’t fit in with today’s games. For instance, this game doesn’t make the best use of its real estate. Modals like the say box, party box, and other boxes can easily get cluttered, which can distract from the game itself. Graphics is pretty old, but not a big deal. Overall, I’d give this game a 3/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 3Snowy gives a rating of 3Snowy gives a rating of 3Snowy gives a rating of 3Snowy gives a rating of 3

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