recently had a Q&A session with Auto Assault's Community
Coordinator, Pann, about this highly-anticipated MMORPG. Questions
by GameOgre.com are in bold.
How will PvP be treated and are there any special plans for it?
PvP in Auto Assault can be initiated in one of two ways. For those
who like tournament-style action, arenas will be available. There
are three different modes of arena combat: ladder matches,
tournaments and duels. For those who live for the thrill of the
hunt, there are areas of the game world that offer a sense of danger
through PVP combat, though players will have the option of whether
or not to enter those areas. We’ll be giving more in-depth
information about PvP in the coming months.
What all aspects of the vehicles can be improved?
Oh, your vehicles can be just about as tricked out as you want them
to! You can get lots of different looks for your many vehicles in
Auto Assault. Visually, through Tricks and Trims, owners can
customize the look of their vehicles by adding decorative
accessories and paint jobs. Equipment upgrades, ranging from power
plants, tires, armor and more, give you the chance to increase your
firepower and performance. Altogether, the options available will
help players create highly customized vehicles that aren’t just
cookie cutter versions of one another.
Let's say my car gets totaled, what happens then?
In keeping with our commitment to make the game as fun as possible,
we made the decision to avoid harsh death penalties (like item, stat
or XP loss.) Instead, you will be airlifted away from the scene and
delivered to the last repair station you visited. Once you’re
patched up and road ready again, you can return to the action.
A lot of MMORPGers complain about the grinding of levels in their
games. How will Auto Assault treat this major complaint about
Auto Assault is set in a region ravaged by an ongoing war between
three races that have survived a nuclear holocaust. Consequently,
you’re in the middle of the action from the moment you enter that
world. Even in the introductory areas, where you can familiarize
yourself with the interface and learn how to maneuver your vehicle
and what it can do at your own pace, there are agents around to give
you missions and help you get started. That means you’re immediately
shooting and looting and having a blast (no rats and sticks here!).
As you continue completing missions or adventuring in the wide-open
spaces of the highway regions, the action is very fast-paced and
you’ll understand what we mean when we say “level up while playing,
not playing to level up.”
Since replay value is such a crucial factor in MMORPGs, where do you
think players will find the most depth in this game?
The answer to that is as varied as the interests of gamers
themselves. We’ve tried to cover as many bases as we can for those
who enjoy PvE, PvP, crafting, and questing, etc., by making sure
there’s a variety of NPCs to fight, opportunities to combat other
players, a fun and versatile crafting system and a multitude of
hand-crafted missions. We also have a very rich and immersive
backstory, so people who love to role-play or follow story arcs will
be entertained, as well.
Will there be any rewards or special consideration given to players
with the most kills or have blown the most stuff up?
Players will be awarded medals in the game for all sorts of
achievements, even as a new player. In addition, we have plans for
other ways to give players bragging rights, like in our unique arena
system where the top dog is the top dog across all servers.
How will loot/treasure be treated in this game?
With our dynamic loot generator, all items will have different stats
every time. Players will choose if what is different about the item
is better for their particular needs.
Any estimate on when beta will begin?
Beta sign-up has already started and is going strong at http://www.plaync.com/aa_beta.html.
We will make an announcement as we prepare to send out the first
wave of invitations.
Do you think this game will appeal more to the gamer who plays
online shooters all the time or the MMORPGer who is tired of the
same-old MMORPG?
Both! The incredibly fast pace and the over-the-top action will not
only keep shooter fans engaged, but offer a fresh alternative to
seasoned MMO players who have had their fill of killing rats and are
looking for something different.
Is there one specific feature that you think will appeal to gamers
the most?
Based on the reactions we’ve gotten so far, one of the favorite
features has to be the ability to blow shit up in the destructible
environments. Having the power to open fire and bring buildings
tumbling down to nothing but smoking rubble has a coolness factor
that hasn’t been seen in any other MMO.
Thank you for your time!

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