Awesomenauts is a MOBA and an accessible 3-on-3 action platformer. Head out to the online battlefields together with your friends as an online party or in local splitscreen, and never worry about having to wait for an online match because of drop-in matchmaking

Post Date: 11:55 27-05-2015
Rating: 9
Author: axwellshm
Comment: It’s one of the great MOBA’s in my opinion. It doesn’t have popularity as other games, but I mean that it is almost leveled as other, just it’s 3 on 3 and these MOBA’s are 5 on 5. Graphics are great. 9/10.
Post Date: 21:39 11-05-2015
Rating: 8
Author: LosmiK
Comment: Awesomenauts has fantastic potential, but is not quite there. Tweaks to the balancing and AI will make this one a star.
Post Date: 18:58 15-02-2015
Rating: 8
Author: ivekvv256
Comment: Awesomenauts is a 2D MOBA game. Simply pick a special champion and charge into battle vs other players. This MOBA isn’t as popular as for example League of Legends is, but it’s surely a fun one. 8/10
Post Date: 21:13 26-12-2014
Rating: 8
Author: altot
Comment: If you’ve never played a MOBA, Awesomenauts is a great place to start. Grab some friends, take the time to study up on your favorite characters, and you’ll have a blast. MOBA pros may enjoy the fresh perspective and the quirky characters too.
Post Date: 19:18 11-12-2014
Rating: 7
Author: arZ
Comment: The developer from Awesomnauts is the company Ronimo Games for PC and for the PS4 is the company Abstraction Games. The publisher from the game is the company dtp Entertainment. The game was released end of the year 2012.
Awesomnauts is a 2D battle arena game, one of the less mobas that is still in 2D. The game is base on 2v2 or 3v3 mode and the point of the game is to kill enemy team and destroy they towers, and you need to defend yours. And when you destroy the enemy base you win the game. At the moment they are twelve playable unique characters with unique skills and stats. We can say that this game is something like jump and run fighting moba game.At the start like I say you can pick the game mode. The most played game mode is the 3v3 mode where you need to destroy the enemy base, but you need to defend your own one. On the way to your victory you need to kill enemies and
they towers. The towers got really high damage and much more health then other buildings. Every team is spawning minions they are helping you to destroy the enemy towers and champions. They are three types of minions. Buzz Droid (mele minions), Super Droid (ranged minions) and Humming Droids. They are spawning in a group of three at once. Every player need to select an Awesomenaut, with they own attack and special skills. You can pick some skins for different characters, but that is just cosmetic. Does not help you in the game. For each killed minion, champ, or tower you get solar, and you can spend the solar for upgrading your champion. In the base you can heal your health bar, like in other popular mobas. You need to care, you can lose your solar when you are killed by the enemy, so you need to be smart and spend your solar at the right time. After you finish the game, lose or win, you get some experience points after the match and you can get some
rewards like new characters. After you get the max level of the account you can get a special icon next to your name but you level will be reset. Ranked mode is available too in this game and its very popular.

The graphic from the game is like a cartoon, the sound effects are really cool. Every champion got his own music when you are on the killing blow. Funny and interesting game, but its not so popular like League of Legends,
Dota2 or Smite. This game is popular on because you can purchase it with your experience points. In the shop this game cost just 10 000 xp points and for some moba lovers its worth to buy. I did not play this game, but I watched some videos on youtube. Really interesting
and funny game, thinking about it to buy it. I give this game a note 7/10!

Post Date: 22:10 14-11-2014
Rating: 10
Author: Wildout
Comment: AwesomenNauts is a 2D platformer game, that is well-known for its awesome character voices and their abilities, you might think that 2D games aren’t fun and you possibly clicked on this game cause it has an interesting name “AwesomeNauts” but belive me, you won’t regret if you buy/download this game, its “Awesome”
Post Date: 10:23 02-11-2014
Rating: 10
Author: FrendlyLeBlanc
Comment: I changed my opinions about this game because i have her on steam about month… I am active player about this game and love to play her. This is 3v3 game where you need to destroy enemy base. You collect and get gold.. Woth gold you upgrade your naut. He have 2 ability, basic shoot and some things about his health, speed…
I wrote little about this game ( i can a lot of more to write about this ) and think to worth to pay for this
10 🙂
Post Date: 17:30 26-10-2014
Rating: 7
Author: Mihajlo
Comment: Awesomenauts is 3v3 battle arena. Game is really fun and easy to get into. 2D game design differs it from other MOBAs. Some characters need to be toned down a bit, but this game is the best console MOBA I’ve every played. I rate this game 7/10.
Post Date: 11:08 05-06-2014
Rating: 9
Author: FrendlyLeBlanc
Comment: I played this game when was free on steam 🙂 That was good time because funny and harder to play 😀 I cant remember name of champion but for me was best one who was all time inivibility 🙂 9/10 🙂
Post Date: 10:28 05-05-2014
Rating: 10
Author: doca8
Comment: Really good game 😀
Post Date: 07:34 01-05-2014
Rating: 8
Author: Frozen
Comment: i played this maybe 2 months ago and it’s awesome 🙂
Post Date: 14:25 26-04-2014
Rating: 6
Author: doubllejump
Comment: I bought it tried it its good game but some things are missing and needed to be added ^^
Post Date: 22:16 27-03-2014
Rating: 10
Author: GL0W3R
Comment: This was the EPIC GAME!
Post Date: 14:37 23-03-2014
Rating: 5
Author: DarkMage1997
Comment: really fun game
Post Date: 10:03 23-03-2014
Rating: 10
Author: Shreedah
Comment: Perfect game, still playing it , and i think everyone should try it ! It’s awesome!
Post Date: 21:47 22-03-2014
Rating: 10
Author: LosmiK
Comment: This game is epic just epic may i say epic one more time if so EPIC the gameplay is like league of legends, but not really you know most MOBAS when u make a minor mistake they rage at you and when you die you rage at them for not helping
Post Date: 23:53 15-03-2013
Rating: 8
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: Very fun game also very simple and takes some skill but not much like other mobas there are minions which you can last hit for Money also you can kill jungle minions for heatlh and gold and if you die once dont rage because it dose not give the enemy team a huge lead also push towers when ever you have the chance to its really helpful if you do and playing stealthy classes like leon is easy to do that with and win for your team also you dont need super PC to play this but graphics are still so nice worth buying for sure
Post Date: 22:41 15-03-2013
Rating: 8
Author: Webber
Comment: Awesomenauts is a very cool MOBA. Don’t let the cartoon look for you. This 2D MOBA is not free but still more fun than most f2ps.
Post Date: 21:20 15-03-2013
Rating: 8
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: This production is a great made Moba game:) Our team is based of our hero and few little helping robbots fighting with us and for us:) The main thing is not to attack turrets on our own. We must need our robots to fight with us or we will lose 🙁 Game have very ncie graphics and game play. Graphics are very simple 2D but with nice colors and shaps. I think this game is good idea to spend free time and get some fun. I rate this game 8/10 🙂
Post Date: 17:28 23-02-2013
Rating: 10
Author: Adrian
Comment: Awesomenauts is a fairly simple yet extremely fun MOBA. It has everything that you could want and more. With 10 “Nauts” to date to choose from, you wont get bored anytime soon. The matchmaking system is very user friendly, takes but a few seconds to setup a match. It includes a practice game mode which you can earn EXP from (if you prefer single player vs bots)The graphics are are quite good for this game, even on a older computer you shouldn’t have any trouble running everything on medium quality.

Here’s a list of all 10 “Nauts” (released to date) and their stats/roles:


Health: 220
Movement Speed: 7.2
Attack Type: Medium
Role: Tank
Coco Nebulon

Health: 125
Movement Speed: 9
Attack Type: Melee
Role: Harasser
Derpl Zork

Health: 180
Movement Speed: 6.8
Attack Type: Medium Range
Role: Tank
Froggy G

Health: 110
Movement Speed: 8
Attack Type: Short Range
Role: Brawler

Health: 125
Movement Speed: 7.2
Attack Type: Melee
Role: Defensive
Leon Chameleon

Health: 115
Movement Speed: 7.4
Attack Type: Melee
Role: Assassin

Health: 120
Movement Speed: 6.6
Attack Type: Long Range
Role: Sniper
Sheriff Lonestar

Health: 120
Movement Speed: 6.6
Attack Type: Medium Range
Role: Pusher

Health: 130
Movement Speed: 7.8
Attack Type: Long Range
Role: Support
Voltar the Omniscient

Health: 120
Movement Speed: 7.2
Attack Type: Short Range
Role: Healer
Vinnie & Spike

Health: 110
Movement Speed: 6.4
Attack Type: Medium Range
Role: Assassin

Health: 155
Movement Speed: 7
Attack Type: Melee
Role: Brawler

Post Date: 23:32 21-02-2013
Rating: 10
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: This game is epic just epic may i say epic one more time if so EPIC the gameplay is like league of legends but not really you know most MOBAS when u make a minor mistake they rage at you and when you die you rage at them for not helping u well after ur respawned u come down in a drop ship and you can collect money on the way down another thing to mention is that the game is a platformer and the lanes are vertical and you can jump to avoid skill shots and the classes are also very fun the graphics are also very good so if you are looking for a relaxing game that is a new genre on the gaming market then you should try this game for sure i rate this 10/10 easy 🙂
Post Date: 20:42 21-02-2013
Rating: 7
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: This production is a simple side scrolling Moba game. Also named as one of the best online battle arena games. In this game we are playing as one of six Awesomenauts. Our main aim in game is to mine galaxy fuel resources. But in our way we will meet other groups os Awesomenauts. So to get precious resources we will need to eliminate our enemies. This game is very simple and nice. Graphics are ok and whole game play is good made. I think this game is preety good and can be recommanded. I rate this game 7/10.
Post Date: 23:28 27-11-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: This game is epic just epic may i say epic one more time if so EPIC the gameplay is like league of legends but not really you know most MOBAS when u make a minor mistake they rage at you and when you die you rage at them for not helping u well after ur respawned u come down in a drop ship and you can collect money on the way down another thing to mention is that the game is a platformer and the lanes are vertical and you can jump to avoid skill shots and the classes are also very fun the graphics are also very good so if you are looking for a relaxing game that is a new genre on the gaming market then you should try this game for sure i rate this 10/10 easy 🙂
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  1. Decent moba video game with cartoonish graphic,I recommend it everybody 🙂

    Btw video should be updated ?

    TheRedLight3 did not rate this post.
  2. An excellent 2d sidescrolling Moba where you push minion waves to tank towers to pursue the enemy’s base.
    Many wacky characters with thier own builds, skins, abilities and theme songs.
    Split screen with friends against online or bot opponents.
    It’s Free!

    If you’ll like to try a 2d moba, this is the best game to experience it.

    Qsljic ratings for this post: Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4
  3. Probably the best take on the MOBA genre, combining elements of action and platformer, making it very unique. So many other MOBAs try to copy successful MOBAs such as League of Legends and DOTA, but this game takes a whole different approach. Personally, I think the 3-on-3 action platformer is pretty fun; it’s easy to get tired of playing top-down MOBA games, and this game just offers a new experience. I think fanbase of RTS games are more likely to enjoy traditional MOBAs, while fanbase of platformers and fighting games are more likely to enjoy a game like Awesomenauts, so this game’s probably good for that demographic. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.95/5; game is just very unique.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5

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