Battlefield 4™ is the genre-defining action blockbuster made from moments that blur the line between game and glory. Fueled by the next-generation power and fidelity of Frostbite™ 3, Battlefield 4™ provides a visceral, dramatic experience unlike any other.

Post Date: 07:59 07-07-2015
Rating: 9
Author: NeSsQQuiCk
Comment: Best graphical FPS there for sure, little bit hard to play on a old/bad pc but if you have great graphics card and processor with atleast 8GB RAM this is a game to go!
Post Date: 18:30 22-05-2015
Rating: 10
Author: LosmiK
Comment: Game looks to be same as BF3 but in gameplay wise it is very different. you cant just sprint and then shoot. there is noticeable lag when sprint (not bad). Guns mechanics seem to be better. Now you cant snipe guys with a controlled AR rifle. You now actually need a scope to engage at longer range. Now guns just dont lose accuracy after some only 3 bullets. you can fire longer burst. Suppression blur is removed. there is only a gun sway when you are suppressed without any accuracy hit and blur. guns and vehicles are more open to customization like you have more accessory slots for weapons and vehicles. Map design is very good. there are no choke points so far. you can always come back in game with alot of flanking ways.It’s hard to make a judgment on Battlefield 4 because of the large gap of quality between the campaign and the multiplayer mode. Both are absolutely beautiful, but the former has nothing else… Fortunately, a Battlefield game is made to play with some other players. Maps are huge and well-balanced, the “Levolution” feature is kind of cool and vehicles make the experience really enjoyable. If you play alone, forget Battlefield 4. If not, go for it.I’d recommend anyone to try it, it’s very fun, play with friends multiplayer, it’s very fun.
Post Date: 20:24 06-01-2015
Rating: 9
Author: altot
Comment: Battlefield 4 is a 2013 first-person shooter video game developed by Swedish video game developer EA Digital Illusions CE (DICE) and published by Electronic Arts. It is a sequel to 2011’s Battlefield 3 and was released on October 29, 2013 in North America, October 31, 2013 in Australia, November 1, 2013 in Europe and New Zealand and November 7, 2013 in Japan for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.Everybody knows about BF series and the credibility and fame it gets – and well deserved at that. It is the ideal version of every CoD.
Post Date: 13:57 19-12-2014
Rating: 5
Author: gavrilo3
Comment: battlefield 😀 like most of other FPS games developed by EA company but i like it not too much but is still nice game to play i don;t know why every year make one new game in this franchies but ok rate with 5-10
Post Date: 18:47 12-11-2014
Rating: 9
Author: Mihajlo
Comment: Battlefield 4 is EA’s first person shooter game. Campaign takes place in 2020, when the war between Russia, United States and China is about to start. For Multiplayer, aside from 3 mentioned factions, there are 4 classes (Assault, Support, Engineer and Recon – same as previous BF versions) and 10 playable maps with stunning graphics. I rate this game 9/10
Post Date: 12:27 06-06-2014
Rating: 9
Author: FrendlyLeBlanc
Comment: So great shooter game 🙂 One of the best online shooter game 🙂
Have good story and great grafic 🙂
Mark for this game is 9/10 🙂
Post Date: 13:43 30-05-2014
Rating: 10
Author: NeSsQQuiCk
Comment: One of the best shooting games I have ever played. Huge maps high graphics and great storyline I highly recommend this to everyone outhere!!!
Post Date: 18:00 18-05-2014
Rating: 10
Author: bloga99
Comment: One of the best game i ever played 🙂
Post Date: 21:23 26-04-2014
Rating: 6
Author: doubllejump
Comment: PROS:
Incredible map design.
Dynamic environments.
Rewarding Commander Mode.
Levolution leads to some spectacular wow moments.
One of the best multiplayer games of the generation.CONS:
Mediocre single-player.
Campaign still not at the standard it should be.
Few small bugs, occasional slowdown, visuals take a tumble in MP.
Weak narrative leads to an enjoyable yet hollow campaign.
I played this game for about 4 months it funny and great when you play with friends but its get boring over time ^^
Honestly i think it isnt worth to buy this game only if you buy it on sale .
Post Date: 17:14 26-04-2014
Rating: 8
Author: savicaa
Comment: Here we have really nice and popular shooting game . Naimly it’s word about Battlefield which is heir of Battlefield 3 i think. It was hard work from the start , to make game like this , until all details were good , they didn’t stop doing on it.
In this game you need to be really good , not good in way that you can do alone some things , in way like teammate. Why im saying that? Cause in Battlefield , you can’t win the game alone , you need to be very good teammate and help other in game . In this game you get your team and playing versus other . In every team you have four players and that’s good , teams are not big and they are not to small.
In this game , also you are earning experience points which can be used for getting new , better weapon.Controls are not that hard for use like before , they made easier excess to them , and on the start you get instructions about game and that helps you a lot , cause on start you will be little bit confused as me.Also in this game you have little bit changed places , that means that you are fighting for U.S army versus China army , which is really hard , they are strong as you can imagine.
All in this game you have really good moments , places and some other detail what you will discover by playing. Also this game is very addict , cause you have motive of huting as you can see on all intros , that will make you playing more and more , cause that’s fun when you are hunting , but when someone want to hunt and he get you , that’s not funny at all .

My look on this game and some of my expectations : First when i saw this game , i thought this game is very good , it’s the best , look how good things in there , but later when i was playing i discovered , that’s not funny and good like it was looking.
On the start , it’s bored , when you don’t understand what to do , where you need to do and with what kind of weapon you need to do , but through the time it will be better.

For the end my marks . Graphics are really nice but i can’t give more then 8/10 , sound is so real and i will give 10/10 , animations are good to so 9/10 , gameplay is little bit bored but 8/10. For all game i will give 8/10.

All people who likes modern war i would reccomend this game , cause on some side it’s just modern , lasers on guns a lot of munition , on some side it’s not cause you need to know what to do and not just to look on map.

Post Date: 16:41 24-04-2014
Rating: 8
Author: Thedarkboy
Comment: The action game series “Battlefield” is one of the world’s largest gaming exports. It’s not hard to understand why. Over the years, the game series have transformed from a solid first-person shooter to a spectacular action adventure. The developers Dice wants with “Battlefield 4” raise the standard for the next console-generation first-person action game.”Battlefield 4″ is primarily an online game, but there is nevertheless a campaign as well. You play as the U.S. Marine soldier Recker, who along with his squad is centered in an incipient war between the U.S. and China. The story has some interesting moments; to board a sinking aircraft carrier in the middle of the Pacific Ocean gives you a fateful feeling. The highlight however, is the resourceful utilization of Bonnie Tyler’s “Total eclipse of the heart”. But overall, the story is a mixed bag of military clichés, personality loose characters and weak script.The campaign works more as an introduction to Battlefield 4 than anything else: this is first-person shooting in a large scale, across vast spaces – from the Shanghai urban environment to snowy mountain landscapes

Battlefield 4 presents a dazzling graphical flair. With its orange lighting, carpet and chilly color palette, the game creates a theatrical realism, as online is amplified by predetermined spectacular sequences: a neighborhood that gets drenched in water when a dam breaks, a skyscraper that breaks down, or a tropical storm that turns the battlefield into clean naval battle. It’s impressive and entertaining, and “Battlefield” has never been as beautiful or as dramatic.

The multiplayer is quite similar to what we’ve seen. You choose between a bunch of old and new game modes – “Obliteration” stands out as a fun combination of controlling bases and detonate bombs – and tailor your own equipment.

As in “Battlefield 3”, you are placed in each match in a team that consists of four players. Teamwork and help are rewarded with experience points and makes it possible that after each game unlocks at least one new rifle scope or new weapons. The controls are a lot smoother than before, the interface has been polished, and the experience is more intense than before. The point hunting is also still a great motivation to play just one more game.

Battlefield 4 is a visually fancier version of Battlefield 3, and is still a very entertaining online gaming experience. But on the whole, it’s not much that has been updated since the third game. The difference between the previous Battlefield games and Battlefield 3 was so extreme, that the changes here will be marginal in comparison.

DICE haven’t taken any big risks when developing Battlefield 4. You can for example, still not play as a woman – instead they have filled the game with conventional action, spectacular stage construction and a standard campaign so dull, that it is remarkable that it left the planning stage.

But at the same time, Dice has refined its online concept since “Battlefield 3”, even though it still remains as a problem with choppy frame rate and the game freezes. But in the whole, Battlefield 4 is a far too cautious update of the Battlefield franchise to really overwhelm..

Post Date: 09:53 11-04-2014
Rating: 9
Author: BorisBox
Comment: Battlefield is an online FPS game, that makes players not only think about tactics they should deploy to defeat the enemy but also to be really careful and watch out from all the sides.
Alltrough that the game needs a lot of fixes by DICE, and that it’s requiring a really strong machine to play, it has more then awesome graphics and gameplay, including single player story.
Battlefield 4
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  1. Battlefield 4 is one of the best FPS games i’ve seen so far with truly amazing graphics, gameplay and strategies this game is awesome and deserves to be played…. Recommend this game for sure

    xicor97 did not rate this post.
  2. Amazing sequel to Battlefield 3. Gameplay and graphics is top-notch, a lot better than previous Battlefield games since it was built on the Frostbite engine which was new at the time. Single-player campaign is kind of cool, taking place in the not-so-distant future of 2020, six years after the events of Battlefield 3, where there’s conflict among Russia, China, and the USA. And the multiplayer mode seems like a lot of fun, refeaturing Commander Mode and featuring plenty of maps. Only real downside is that this game was released with bugs and glitches, which probably hurt the game, but the game seems alright now. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.7/5; definitely one of the better Battlefield games.

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