Din’s Curse Review
Din’s Curse stands out as one of the best action RPGs ever that you probably never heard of. That is quite a shame since this game is definitely a hidden gem among Action RPGs. The funny thing is that many Action RPGs are considered to be Diablo Clones. Calling Din’s Curse one of those doesnt fit quite so well because it does the little subtle things that most of those other games do not do. Actually, it does a few things that the Diablo series never did.
For one, the dungeons actually feel a part of the game because you never know what is going to happen. I was in a dungeon trying to tape my voice to a video when all of the sudden an alarm starts going off. Come to find out, monsters some time attack the town/village out of the clear blue sky. I went off to find my way back into town and you get a message of certain people in town being killed. For anybody who felt safe in Diablo and spread their loot on the ground in town, this can be somewhat unnerving. You will not feel this overwhelming sense of temporary helplessness in Torchlight, Sacred, Dungeon Siege, Fate etc. This feeling caught me completely by surprise and it shows how special the game can be.
Key Features:
- Made in 2010.
- Action RPG.
- Had one expansion.
- Loot matters and is quite fun to find.
- Random events as you play like the village being attacked while you are in a dungeon.
- Gameplay overshadows the lackluster graphics.
- Items like crates and stuck doors can be busted open with varying results.
- Relies on addictive gameplay rather than flashy cutscenes.
- Plays on nearly all PCs.
- Self updating bestiary as you play.
- Random events all the time.
- Great loot system.
- Many areas to explore.
- Smarter than usual monsters.
- Deeper than most other action RPGs.
- More than a Diablo clone.
- Traveling is fast and easy.
- Places to store loot in town.
- Not a huge community to support it despite how good it is.
- Very basic graphics.
- Thought of as a Diablo clone when it is more.
Din’s Curse is one of the best RPGs I have ever tried,it is interesting,graphic is solid and I recommend this game everybody
I agree with red,if you didnt try this game,you should
I am gonna try this game soon, seems very fun and interesting
Followup: Tried the game and it seems really fun, recommend everyone to try it out for themselves and they might be surprised, the game is better than it seems
Din’s Curse is an solid game which has pretty interesting gameplay and bad graphic.I’m not big fan of this kind of games,but I would recommend it to everyone who likes this kind of games of course.I’ll give 3/5 to this game
Nice review video Ogreman! The game itself is really good, sadly it has been lost in time. Going to rate it 4.5/5
Not the type of games I played I mean i rarely play games with the similar graphics it hurts my eyes altho the gameplays are good and the game looks like very enjoyable try this 3/5
It may not look like much, but behind the simple graphics lies a wonderfully dynamic and challenging Hack ‘n Slay title from the same, addicting quality of a Diablo or Torchlight.
Very solid and underrated RPG. It really looks lame at first but when you start playing it you find out how good it actually is. The game play is fun and interesting, the graphics are eh but it still works. Overall its just a pretty good game. I would suggest it to anyone looking for a new RPG. I rate it 4/5.
Din’s Curse is an action brawler RPG game. You go around defeating enemies and get loot to become stronger! There are many random events that can happen while you are in dungeons defeating enemies. Your starting area can also get attacked so you need to fortify it so vendors and useful NPCs don’t get killed! This game plays very well and looks good! 5 stars!
2/5 – This game looks like one of those games where a bunch of developers do like a contest to see who can make the best game in a certain amount of hours. This game could use a lot of tuning up as far the map designs and monsters go they look too plain
Din’s Curse is definitely a unique ARPG, definitely different from Diablo and other games like it. Graphics feels very old though; and for a 2010 game, I kind of expect a bit more out of the graphics, so this game looks like a game out of the early 2000s. But I do like that this game has, not just the option of single player mode, but also co-op multiplayer mode, so it could be fun to play with a friend. Also really like the procedurally generated world, because that really does give the player a unique experience if they decide to replay through the game. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.1/5; would give it a higher score if the graphics were better.