Elsword’s Episodic Season 2 Update Series Continues With The New Magician and Mercenary

Aisha and Raven get new English Voiceovers, New Skill Tree, Attack Combo Commands and More

Irvine , Calif. , January 14, 2016 – KOG Games, a leading developer and publisher of popular free-to-play action MMORPGs, today announced Elsword’s Season Two update has launched all-new Magician and Mercenary, plus all new, star-studded English voiceovers for Aisha, Raven, the entire NPC cast and more! See the all-new Aisha and Raven video HERE
The latest in-game updates feature a full makeover for Aisha and Raven. From their in-game models and illustrations, rebalances to power, effectiveness and application to a number of casts/skills, both characters have received a refined attack combo Command entry (basic attacks).

As with all Season 2 character updates, the Skill Tree revamp includes new character information, character intro and primary skill upgrades. Players can learn skills automatically by reaching certain levels and the Skill Tree now shows skills players can learn, sorted according the skills’ level and players no longer need to choose between skills! Additionally, new attack combo commands are now listed showing commands for each action.

From Hollywood, to Anime, to musical theater, talented actor, writer and musician Brian Beacock lends his all-star, award-winning talent to the Elsword character lineup as non-other than Raven! Well aware of the eternal Sub vs. Dub debate, the KOG Games team says Fear not, all Elsword players get to choose between original Korean language and the all new, star-studded English cast. With a quick visit to the Elsword in-game Options menu, players can select either language.

To kick off the update, Elsword is hosting an Aisha and Raven Season 2 Celebration Sweepstakes! Beginning January 13 through January 26, players can play as the new Magician and Mercenary for a chance to win K-Ching, plus killer Elsword Season 2 commemorative swag! Players can log onto the game, create both Aisha and Raven characters and play for two hours each … it’s that easy.

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  1. Huge update for a anime based mmropg with a reworked skill system and more features to try out.

    Septera did not rate this post.
  2. The game is good it’s like Grand Chase if you’ve played it but better characters design, the childish art is still the same which is fine the gameplay is the same too the animation is good I didn’t really played it fully but I think it has a proper story than grand Chase. 🙂

    Masako did not rate this post.
  3. I really love this game fast paced side-scrolling hack and slash action complemented with an amazing variety of character classes, each with their own unique specialties that make them stand out, beautifully rendered background environments (since this is a side scroller) almost like an amazing artist just painted the whole thing with awesomeness and HOLY FREAKIN HELL!!!!… THE MUSIC IN MANY PARTS OF THIS GAME IS INCREDIBLE!!!!..

    Blasphemy did not rate this post.
  4. Elsword is an amazing game that have a lot of story. this game is based on a manga. thus, If you compare the characters from the game with the manga, you will double your enjoyment of the game i would rate it 4/5.

    Qsljic did not rate this post.
  5. Anime feel on MMO, feels cliche but Elsword just rides that and makes it whole. Soundtrack is what made me look twice. Season two had some great updates on skill balances too. Hope this game grows more.


    Rueness did not rate this post.

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