If you’re looking to experience competitive gaming, there are two main categories that this falls into. The first is eSports, which you may have heard of. This is where professional gamers, either individually or in teams, compete in domestic and national tournaments for big prizes, and it is the subject of video game betting. The other are MMORPGs, which stand for Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games. The latter is more where you compete yourself in these games against other players in an open world, usually in a high-scores type setting or in a PVP (Player vs. Player) setting. Today we’re going to look at each of these in a lot more detail so you can make an informed decision as to which one would suit you better as you start your journey in gaming.

Discover eSports

eSports has exploded in popularity over recent years, in regards to both the prizes and people following eSports at these sites. As we have already touched upon, eSports is the term given to video games spread over a variety of different platforms, whether it be PC or console, that are played at a highly professional and competitive level. And of course, this means a lot more skill and talent are required to reach the levels of some of these professional players. Some of them commit many hours a day to their respective games. Some of the top titles that feature in e-sports events around the world include League of Legends, Fortnite, Dota 2, and many more. League of Legends, for example, has grown in such popularity that it has hosted events at South Korea’s national sports stadium.

Alongside the growth in e-sports, it has also opened the door, fortunately, to more opportunities to learn from tutors and more experienced players if you want to fulfill your aspirations of being a professional gamer one day. Depending on what game you want to learn and excel in, there are academies and learning opportunities out there to help you develop your skills.

An introduction to MMORPG’s

If you’re looking to get into competitive gaming but you want something that is a bit more relaxing and not as demanding in the early stages, MMORPGs might be more down your alley. They tend to have a lot more of a community base and support forums that can help you learn at your own pace and usually in your own style. These types of games are open-world. What this means is that they are hosted on dedicated servers by the game developers. You log onto this server, and you can play in the same virtual world as other players, allowing you to join clans and team up with other players.

Some of the most popular MMORPGs out there at the moment that you may want to take a look at include Old School Runescape, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, Black Desert Online, and many more. Each of them offers a different immersive experience, each varying in themes and different types of characters you can choose from, and each with their own unique gaming communities.

In Summary

When it comes to choosing which path is right for you, it all comes down to your personal preference. Hopefully, today we have given you enough of a background that you now know more about both eSports and MMORPGs. The rest is up to you to have a look at what games are on offer in each of the respective categories and decide which one suits you best to start your gaming journey. Lastly, always remember, practice makes perfect.