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This is the eight match (last match of the first round) of GameOgre.com’s Online Shooter Showdown 2012.  This is a tournament to determine the best Online Shooter out of 16 games. You can also view this Shooter Showdown Video for more information about this important tournament.



Tribes: Ascend

Can last year’s Shooter Showdown winner pull off a repeat or will the self-proclaimed “World’s Fastest Shooter” defeated the defending champion in the first round?



  1. how can you even compare these two the gameplay is completely different. comparing apples to oranges. ive been in firefall beta for months now and it has potential but right now i’d barely call it a beta at all, it needs sooo much work and at the rate they are doing things could take atleast a year or two to get somewhere decent. so until it improves my vote goes to tribes

    Kevin did not rate this post.
  2. Tribes requires far more skill than firefall. I love both. But as a comp tribes player I can easily win pvp matches in firefall

    John did not rate this post.
  3. TRIBES !! That is way to much better trust me 😀 I played this game so long .. ! Love That Brute class 😀 It was a battle for that weapon gladiator on him 😀 But when i got it ….. I love this game !!!

    Gavra10 did not rate this post.

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