held its first meetup inside AQ3D on October 27th. Here are videos and screenshots from that event. Our next meetup will be announced soon and it should be held in a bigger room. Also, the next meetup could be more “official”.
I have to say that meetup went pretty well even though everyone that participated couldn’t be present because of room limits. Next time is going to be better for sure!
I would suggest maybe asking Artix to open the 100 map next time
This should definitely happen for next meetup so we can have more people participate. Next meetup would be more official compared to last one we because of higher room limit. Artix could open that map or just change room limits for areas that we are going to visit during the meetup.
I wish i could have made it.
Don’t worry
next meet up would be a blast.
The meetup was successful hoping for next years meetup or when live release comes.
Aw man, can’t believe I missed it! Hopefully I can make it to the next one!!!
Nice meet up hah….i see ,,, its the first meet up…
I’m eagerly wanted to join the upcoming AQ3D meetup this December!
Next meetup is on december 7 see ya there peeps
I will most likely participate on it so see you there as well! It’s going to be even better for sure!
Im so sorry i missed this.
long ago XD wasnt there