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Pirate Battleon Invasion

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest 3D' started by Snowy, Sep 17, 2018.

  1. Wednesday, the AQ3D team released a new Battleon invasion in the game as a pre-TLAPD event featuring pirates. This release features 2 cape drops, a new defender set, and all of the items from previous Battleon invasions. What do you think of this invasion?

    To me, I feel like there was too little compared to the last two invasions we've had. In the last two invasions, the environment was different (burning buildings in the first invasion and snow in the second invasion) which made the invasions feel more special. It also felt like the color scheme for the new defender set wasn't too special since we already had some shades of blues from the other two invasions; I do think the sea green fits the theme for TLaPD, but it probably would have been nice to have a white Brutalcorn Defender set as well. I remember in the first invasion, they released two Defender sets (the original version and the black version). I also think the boss timers could have used some improvement like lowering the time of the main boss to maybe 15 minutes instead, and especially fixing the 5 minute delayed message before the main boss spawned. It wasn't a terrible release, but compared to the other invasions, it's not the greatest.
  2. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    It's pretty much what we had last Frostval but with pirates and such instead. Frostval defender set has same flavor text Dark Defender set has and the new defender set has the same thing going on with it. They should fix that 15-minute boss timer because it has been broken since Frostval invasion.
  3. Gamma001

    Gamma001 Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

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    The pirates haven't even damaged the town at all and we're attacking them. We have to click on them to attack them. Let's face it. We're the bad guys.
  4. I don't think they'll fix those considering they just release new stuff more than they fix old stuff. And even when they do revise old stuff, it's usually going to be some major storyline area like the Intro or Greenguard rather than some immediate release. I do hope these things get fixed, so when they release the next invasion, it won't feel unpolished.

    Yeah, it has me wondering, why are we even battling pirates in the first place? No signs of destruction in the area and Roland's dialogue only talks about "frozen monsters." It's kind of confusing.
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  5. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    When it come to changing a timer, it's not supposed to be that time consuming. AE did rush this invasion, but there wasn't even that much to change really. I will be waiting for those fixes and i hope that the next invasion will be more polished than this one.
  6. Well they did finally fix Roland's dialogue. Instead of the Frostval dialogue, we finally have a Talk Like a Pirate Day dialogue. They haven't fixed descriptions for the Oceanic Defender items yet, and I'm not sure about the boss timer since I haven't waited in Battleon long enough.
  7. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    I am happy that some progress was made at least.
  8. At least players don't have to kill bosses anymore for the cape items since you can now get them from bosses in Lolosia, but ever since the new release a week after the Pirate Battleon Invasion, it's apparent that the invasion died out. I've seen so many bosses in Battleon that haven't been killed yet, and I've even seen players struggle to kill the bosses and regular monsters to effectively collect craft drops for Roland's craft rewards.

    Wish the invasion wasn't like that, where it was pretty much active until a major release came out, especially seeing how wonky the invasion was with players just focusing on the bosses instead of the regular monsters. They could have made the bosses not drop the capes and saved those capes for Lolosia to encourage better gameplay, but new players are pretty much struggling with crafting gear from Roland and getting to rank 25.
  9. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    AE shouldn't have put level scaling to level 50 because low leveled players are going to have bad time regardless because their gear is not that great and they benefit little to nothing from scaling that gear provides. Scaling to level 22 would have been fine.
  10. I don't think level scaling was the main issue since your stats do get boosted, probably not as much as you'd hope, but good enough when farming in a group. The invasion felt like it was meant to be farmed with other players, not solo; yet, it failed to achieve that in certain scenarios.

    To me, the issue was more about timing. If the Battleon Invasion was released 2 weeks before a major release instead of 1 week, there would still be a good bit of activity going on, especially since a lot of players play during the weekends. If boss timers weren't so long as they currently are, and were corrected to begin with, like with Cursed Peckard not being delayed for 5 minutes, that would help eliminate some of the issue with players going AFK, though not entirely since they'll still be going AFK and room hopping just for the boss' drops. To me, it's a matter of time, and I hope they do address the Battleon Invasion issues eventually and not just copy, paste, and swap monsters around like they did with this invasion, since the Frostval Battleon Invasion had the same issues.

    Timing is crucial, especially considering AQ3D is cross-platform (supports both PC and mobile). Looking at mobile specifically, you have to think like a mobile player, why waste cellular data and waste phone battery? In fact, having played the Battleon Invasion on mobile whenever I'm away from my PC, it bothers me getting disconnected every so often, especially when there are boss timers in place. The game needs to reflect their cross-platform audience, not just their PC audience.
  11. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    Level scaling was a problem for low leveled players because your gear does affect your stats when scaling happens quite a bit. The better gear you have more stats you get out of scaling.

    I agree that they should have released the Battleon Pirate Invasion earlier. More people fighting means faster medals and you will be able to get those defender items crafted. Now there are not that many doing medal farming because Lolosia is out.

    Mobile aspect of this subject is something that AE should have considered more because waiting is not something you want to do while playing on a phone when playing AQ3D.
  12. Lack of level scaling would also mean high-level players having the advantage. Imagine being in Greenguard as a level 2 player and a bunch of level 20 players came in killing a bunch of monsters. Level scaling is needed, but it's needed properly.

    Also the Battleon Invasion is already removed when they released the new Lolosia release yesterday, unfortunately. Had some people needing help farming some stuff in the invasion, but it just seemed so pointless since players were going AFK there and one of the bosses was stuck on the building for hours.

    I do hope for massive improvements for the Battleon Invasion in the future. It just wasn't fun, so to address and summarize the issues, here are the changes I would anticipate for future invasions:
    • Better level scaling, like ranged level scaling. Example: In a level 11 map, level 1-10s get bumped up to level 11, level 11s stay as they are, and level 12-21s get bumped down to level 12. That way, it'll be balanced, but with a fair bit of imbalance to make it feel rewarding for high-leveled players.
    • Daily quests to earn Defender Medals.
    • A new map instance instead of Battleon since some players do hang out in Battleon and are there just for that purpose, not to fight monsters. Plus, it would give the developers a reason not to remove Drickens or the Drooster, which might still be used on one of the quests.
    • Better boss spawn timers. Maybe 4 minutes for the regular bosses and 8 minutes for the big boss. In addition to better boss spawn timers, the "Take heed!" message needs to reflect when the big boss respawns.
    • No item drops from bosses that take forever to farm like the Tattered Flag cape. This just encourages players to room hop or go AFK, and it's a similar issue with farming from Shrade in the Friday the 13th maps.
    • Release invasions a couple of weeks prior to a major release. Having a Battleon Invasion released for one week with issues/bugs, and then bringing out a major release only kills out the Battleon Invasion release very quickly.
  13. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    I didn't literally say that they should remove level scaling, but as it stands that high level players have it easier regardless of level scaling obviously. Dailies to get Defender medals? I feel to be quite redundant considering the rate that you are able to get them even if killing minions solo. Fixing that boss timer should be done when next invasion arrives. Reasonable boss item drop rates to compensate those spawn times. This invasion we had was rushed and timing for was indeed bit misplaced and i hope that AE delivers the next one properly.
  14. NaMjOoN

    NaMjOoN Club Swinger New Ogre

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    the defender crafts from this was cool
  15. Azula

    Azula Club Swinger New Ogre

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    I couldnt agree more
  16. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    I do also like sets that you can get with defender medals. I hope we get more things to farm when next invasion comes out.
  17. CuriousLeun

    CuriousLeun Big Brute New Ogre

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    Hopefully we get another kind of armor set, not a recolored version.
  18. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    That would be great because we have had only new recolors so far.
  19. We might, but we might not. Last year, they added the Frostlorn set to the invasion as drops, but then they moved it to the bosses in a separate map with a more fair drop rate. Unfortunately, those items aren't really part of the invasion. The way I see it, they add drops to monsters in an invasion and then move them to a release area. Examples:

    1st Invasion - Magmarran drops moved to Ashfall
    2nd Invasion - Frostlorn drops moved to a seasonal Frostval map
    3rd Invasion - Pirate Flag drops moved to Lolosia

    Personally, I don't like that they tease new items as drops from the invasion only to later reintroduce them elsewhere with a fairer drop rate, and part of that reason is that players waste their time farming for those items in the first place and then it affects other players' farming because the players farming for the "special" drops are stalling (only waiting for the boss timer) and room hopping.
  20. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    Yeah, it made it feel like that the effort was for nothing when now you can get those Pirate Flag capes from those Lolosia dungeons. I don't mind Magmarran drops being moved because there was quite a lot of time to farm for them compared to any other invasion we have had so far and we even got new items with similar style as well. Frostlorn set items were something that I wasn't really able to farm for because I was very busy during that time.

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