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AQ3D Pets

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest 3D' started by CuriousLeun, Oct 17, 2018.

  1. Archdragon

    Archdragon DA BIG CLUB Ogre Regular

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    it maybe happened because the devs rushed to have weekly update to fulfill some players demand. While the other players want AQ3D to release good quality content w/o deadline time like the old times when they released ashfall.

    For me, I like slow update w/ good quality content rather than rushed update w/ bad content. Dang, I wanna smash those arrogant newbies who keep asking for AE to release faster content but then insulted the devs because of its bad quality :(
  2. But the thing is, suggestions are different from feedback. I think AE's focus should be more on feedback (e.g. why a release didn't feel right and how it could improve) than people's suggestion (e.g. we want a shadow pet just because). Sometimes feedback can work in conjunction to suggestion (e.g. weekly releases result in poor quality content; maybe have PvP in the game as continuous filler content and then produce release content every 2 weeks or every month). But generally, suggestions can be a hindrance to AE's progress at times, but feedback (when clear and succinct) can be a push for better-produced content. For the shadow pet, it's not too far-fetched since they already have the model, but there is a lot of critical reception on AE's overuse of content reuse.
  3. Archdragon

    Archdragon DA BIG CLUB Ogre Regular

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    AQ3D should make guild first for the filler, not grinding stuff, I am sick of it... Grinding lightbringer set, arena of souls, and now the doom staff...

    Yeah, I know making 3d isnt as easy as 2d, especially if it's a game changer patch like guild and pvp implementation, not like grinding which is easier to be made/coded.

    Reusing old content is a normal in game industry especially to save space, if AQ3D players wont mind with bigger asset, I think AE Devs will create more new-designed monsters and equipments.
  4. Guilds won't change anything in regards to filler content. People already have Discord guilds for AE-related stuff. And of course making a 3D game isn't easy, but if things aren't going smoothly for them, then it's time to rethink and improvise. Their whole "weekly content" schedule is absolutely unrealistic, especially for the small team they have. As for "reusing old content" being normal in the game industry, I think it's sort of an outdated standard in the gaming industry. Sure, reusing content once in a while isn't bad, but reusing content all of the time is bad. Scarcity has more value than abundance.
  5. Pinkyz

    Pinkyz Banned

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    I love my myy baby zarbok and dricken
  6. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    The most important question: which one do you love more?
  7. Sponge click

    Sponge click MMORPGer

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    I hope pet will be add or upgrade to be a battle pet in the future
  8. crunchy brocolli

    crunchy brocolli MMORPGer New Ogre

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    I reeally hope pets have their own unique ability like healing, loot picking, extra inventory, and fight etc
  9. Archdragon

    Archdragon DA BIG CLUB Ogre Regular

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    loot picking - ok
    Extra inventory - ok
    Healing - no
    Fight - no
    Whatever it has to do with combat system is a big no no because it will make pay2win game
  10. Not really. Moglinmancer is probably going to be a pet class anyway. Sure, you can buy pets for DCs, but you can also earn them. Nothing's really been announced about how battle pets will be done currently, as whether they'll have their own stats or not (in AQWorlds, battle pets don't have stats, but pet classes require you to equip a battle pet).

    And pay2win isn't an issue; the jargon is meaningless because how you define "pay2win" is subjective and the company can claim that they aren't pay2win and still iniquitously whale in consumers. For instance, what's even considered "winning" in the game? Every free2play game has freemium content in some form. It's the approach that's the issue, not whether the game is "pay2win" or not. For instance, if the objective of the company is to egregiously push players to spend a fortune (like 5,000 DCs on a battle pet), then that's a problem, and AE has been guilty of creating that sort of spending culture while being dismissive of being "pay2win" on multiple occasions (e.g. 1,000 DCs for a cosmetic reskinned key weapon, 4,500 DCs for a form, 1,000 DCs for an emperor chest, etc.).

    So instead of arguing about AQ3D being "pay2win" (which can fit the criteria of all freemium games), argue about the controversial pricing of DC items instead, because that's the bigger issue.

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