Happy Ogremas!
May I please have a code Ogreman?
Or let 200 items sit around in your crafting window. :p
Well this is an AE game so you know its just going to rack up more and more as time goes on anyways. The shear amount of equipment in this game...
Congrats on the event gathering so many people that the servers almost exploded whenever fighting happened.
Wez welcome you to da oguh boiz! Bring ya biggest club cuz wez smashin all da globlins!
Craft everything visually appealing to myself then let it sit in my crafting window for years to come (2016 pumpkin armor >.>).
I'm in favor of a large variety of mounts to match together with your gear. If you aint lookin criskpy then what you even doin?
Where that little moglin at?
This may be a little late but i would recommend picking up the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games during any sale. A very under rated franchise in my opinion.
Well if we're talking unobtainable rare I have the wrap of determination, both camp flags, and some 2016 event gear. Otherwise It's the necrohen...
Lately I've been in a short sword sort of mood, but that's not very ogrey now is it. So how about an ogre face morph along the lines of the...
You know i got to rep my boy Twig. Got that DragonFable soft spot from back in like 2006.
Although I don't find it particularly exciting I do appreciate these small steps they're taking to bring more depth to the combat system. Since...
Happy belated Ogremas.
Wow, honestly i never noticed that they added more options until seeing this post. As far as i'm concerned though the more options the better in...
I would have to say Lolosia in general for having such condensed daily quests that off a significant amount of gold. If i ever do dailies that my...