League of legends Don't starve Minecraft Battlefield 2
1.I got 1 with kha'zix 2v5 2.Speachless 3.I feel mad when i get quadra and some guy ks me penta 4.just read ^
only games that i can play over and over again and not feel bored is Gta:San andreas and Gta:Vice city
I will go oldschool Ghost recon the first one is my all time fav for shooting games,Cod 2 is still fun for me
I usually play when i god bored of it and just dont feel it anymore
you can win 4v5 just play safe dont do doumb stuff and take objectives
Vi is better she do damage,ult that you cant miss
It's clean you can read what it say i like it really good
WW nerf is good but yasuo dont need a buff
Operation flashpoint is more tactical but cod is like go there shoot 1000 guys come back shot more guys...operation flashpoint for me 100%
I like stuff like this
Corki is good if your team dont have ap so building that triforce is strong but jinx,lucian,twitch,tristana are good too
Lisandra is strog not hard to learn and can turn fights around with her ult,TF is good he do a lot of damage if he have some items good poke and...
Lee sin is better udyr can be kited easy and dont have that much escapes as lee sin
1.Never surender (there is allways a chance enemy team throw the game) 2.Focus on yourself 3.Play champions that you know how to play and you are...
Braum is safe pick but blitz is more fun to play but if you hook the wrong person it can end up bad for you and maybe for your team
Pc is better than console for couple of reasons 1.games are cheaper and steam sales are so good that you can get 60$ game for like 30-40$ 2.Mods
Twitch so much better
Jarvan and Wukong are good in theyr own way but they are really weak early in the game they need to go back after they picks up buffs and that...
Enderman do not take damage from arrows because they teleport if you fire at them with bow