Jungler annie <3 and amumu ofc
Ty all .. more sugguests
Nonscape - EUNE - Gold - JUNGLER [IMG]
Hello, Amumu is my main u can go in plat, diamond with him just play all day all night, fast jungler OP ganks, i can help u if u need help :) [IMG]
MUNDO OR RENEKTON..better tank, build (top) Mundo or Renekton for TOP Suggest build ! :D:D:D:D [IMG]
Shut up and take my money :D
Main role? Draw your Role, your favorite CHAMPION and your build ;) example.. Role: Jungler Champion: Amumu Build: - Lindary's Torment...
Jax Renekton I recommended
Goth Annie, Vancuver Amumu I LOVE <3
My sides Op video ;)
Amumu is soo good, eve TOO But riot need new meta AP junglers like Annie and Kassadin
Kog'Maw is Tank destroyer now :D
I preff hydra on zed because late game suckzz Lw OP :D
I hate this kass.. better nerf jax -__- :juggle:
Nice.. EU/ne: nonscape
Ingame name: nonscape Level: 30 Ranked rating: GOLD 4 Server: EU/ne favorite role: Jungle Favorite champions: Amumu Best