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Discussion in 'Adventure Quest 3D' started by Kynan_D, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. ezkills

    ezkills Big Bad Ogre Ogre Warrior

    YAAAS the spinner please! plus i really want ears hahahaha cuz i hate all my helms
  2. Honestly, I'd like to see phone cases and other phone accessories come to HeroMart, like a Twilly Phone Case or a Zorbak Phone Case with ears on the side and a face of the character on the cover, especially if Artix Entertainment is trying to push its games to mobile. I think it would be a wise choice, if many players are actually playing games like AQ3D on their mobile device.
  3. subeJ

    subeJ The Perfect Recipe Ogre Veteran

    Id rather have the Heromart codes available ingame. Only want the cosmetic stuff and not the actual heromart items.
  4. ZIFAna

    ZIFAna DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

    I like HM stuff, but I have trouble buying because there is no shop here. if buying with an online shop, it will be expensive on shipping.

    Even shipping price is more expensive than the price of HM goods.
  5. Blasphy

    Blasphy Emperor Ogre Veteran
    1. The Lions Council

    Dage figure that gives you a Dage statue furniture when house system comes. :)
  6. Would be too early for a Dage statue in-game item for houses since houses are probably far off from being released. It would be an interesting thing to see though.
  7. I wouldn't mind seeing a Dricken plushie and a IRL Necrohen Hat to be sold in Heromart.
  8. ZIFAna

    ZIFAna DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

    What about the dragon spinner ... will it be sold in HM?
    I love the animations in the game.
  9. A Dricken plushie sounds cool, though I'd prefer a Frogzard plushie more. Frogzards seem to have less importance which is unfortunate since its featured as a statue in one of the well-known towns in the game.

    I'm starting to doubt it now. Even though they said they will, they'll either have it delayed until a very long time from now or they'll forget.
  10. Rex

    Rex Ogre Legend Ogre Veteran

    They said it was going to be sold on heromart one day, but there has to be enough of a demand for it.
  11. ZIFAna

    ZIFAna DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

    Ohh, I see.

    Btw, Do you want this item?
    Or maybe already have.

    But it may be true to say some people if AE waits until many devotees of dragon spinner.

    It's probably not going to be sold if not many want it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2017
  12. JustinTheNerd

    JustinTheNerd BamBam

    Personally I kinda like it but i'm wondering what everyone else thinks.
  13. I'm assuming you mean HeroMart. I think the products are adequate, but not too special to really be worth their price, especially if you live outside of the U.S. where shipping costs a lot. I have a few HeroMart items from years ago, but have hardly used them. For most people, I think the in-game items mean more to them than the product itself.
  14. jv1306

    jv1306 Big Brute New Ogre

    some items are good, most of the time coz of the ingame item. i'd like to have the myx shirt not for the ingame backshield but because i really think the shirt looks good. problem is shipping to my country costs more than the item itself :(
  15. Nhecole

    Nhecole Princess of Ogre Ogre Veteran
    1. Gaming Community

    They're all good, but even though some gears are good in aq3d, i still based it, if that certain product gives you badge in the game, just like calendar :)
  16. ZIFAna

    ZIFAna DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

    Looks like we have the same constraints.

    Shipping is more expensive than the price of the item.
    I also had trouble buying because I did not have a credit card.

    If AE has a HM branch / store here, it might be easy to buy.
  17. It'd be hard for the company to lower the shipping cost since they're a small company. The thing I'd like to see is HeroMart products being available in retail stores, but that probably won't happen any time soon. I think shipping cost is a major issue for a lot of consumers.
  18. Well i guess it's nice to support company that you care about, but shipping cost is a big issue specially for people that don't live in USA and even if you live there.
    I don't have personal experience with Heromart so i can't really say how high shipping cost would be for me. It's great that you also get in game items as well when you purchase items from Heromart to show off that you supported AE.
  19. LegendaryGriefer36

    LegendaryGriefer36 Ogre Prince The Pit
    1. The Lions Council

    Ypu meant Heromart? The gears doesnt really matter since its only for cosmetics but yeah the ingame items and their products are cool
  20. ZIFAna

    ZIFAna DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior

    It is unfortunate if the goods can only be purchased through the online shop.
    Actually in my country many AE game players, they are also very interested in HM products, but they are difficult to buy because most of them are still students. Not because they have no money, but they have trouble buying because they do not have credit cards.

    Maybe AE can put a branch store only in some areas that have the most fans of the AE game.

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