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Pokemon Style Browser MMORPG MonsterMMORPG V2 Started

Discussion in 'Free MMORPG' started by MonsterMMORPG, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

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    thanks a lot for reply

    i hope u enjoy
  2. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

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    Monster MMORPG 15 June 2014 update change logs V2.4.5 Beta

    ⚛ Monster MMORPG is an online RPG game that Pokemon players are mostly liking and having easy time to solve the game. It is free to play

    ➽ Click F5 or refresh button to see updated images

    ✌ 15 monsters images are updated

    ✔ 1 New monster added to the game

    ➢ 150% EXP and Gold boost for the weekend started.

    ♛ All monsters on the maps re-assigned (this means some of the previously not catchable monsters are now catchable and some may not be catchable anymore)

    ♟ All NPCs and their monsters on maps re-assigned

    ♜ All Monsters default abilities re-assigned (default abilities come with rewards such as donation rewards)

    ♣ The latest catchable monsters on maps list can be seen here: ⇶ http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Not-Appear-On-Maps.txt

    ☀ Special starter monster catching weekend event started. At this event a starter monster appears as wild monster on a single map:

    ♔ This weekend Monster is: ⇶ #49 Wallacuff [​IMG]

    ♔ This starter is catchable on: ⇶ Training Cave F2 [​IMG]

    ☑ 1 New monster added to the game as zenith (volunteered):


    ☑ 3 Monster images updated (commissioned low budget):

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ☑ 9 Monster images updated (volunteered):

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ❆ Here the links of all image updated monsters:

    #436 Niesky#437 Nielaika#657 Pugel#658 Pudeuer
    #882 FlamePup#883 InfernoHound#1251 Lavabug
    #1252 Volcabug#1253 Volcamount#1725 Cuckat#1726 Cuckoot
    #1727 Cuckrazy#1806 Falcjin
    #705 Wookey#706 Fertamam#707 Tikdra

    news source
  3. violess

    violess BamBam

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    I´ll take an eye on it ;-)
  4. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

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    thanks for reply i hope you like

    and here the news

    Monster MMORPG 21 June 2014 update change logs V2.4.6 Beta

    ➽ Click F5 or refresh button to see updated images

    ✌ 6 monsters images are updated

    ➢ 100% EXP and Gold boost for the weekend started.

    ☀ Special starter monster catching weekend event started. At this event a starter monster appears as wild monster on a single map:

    ♔ This weekend Monster is: ⇶ #52 Rubbull [​IMG]

    ♔ This starter is catchable on: ⇶ Rocky Road [​IMG]

    ☑ 1 Monster image updated (commissioned):


    ☑ 5 Monster images updated (volunteered):

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ❆ Here the links of all image updated monsters:

    #422 Rutori
    #423 Faidari
    #424 Komovin
    #459 Gagapuss
    #460 Lillipuss
    #857 Sunucunis

    news source
  5. violess

    violess BamBam

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    All monsters look realy awesome! That is a realy good work! :)
  6. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

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    hey thanks a lot for awesome reply

    and here the news

    Monster MMORPG 4 July 2014 update change logs V2.4.7 Beta

    ☆ What is Monster MMORPG ? Online free to play RPG Game similar to Pokemon MMO games

    ➽ Click F5 or refresh button to see updated images

    ✌ 10 monsters images are updated

    ✯ Voting page updated and fixed now working perfectly fine (tested by me from a newbie account)

    ☑ Abilities descriptions updated/improved

    ➢ 150% EXP and Gold boost for 4 days till next Monday (7 July)

    ☀ Special starter monster catching weekend event started. At this event a starter monster appears as wild monster on a single map:

    ♔ This weekend Monster is: ⇶ #55 Rubbull [​IMG]

    ♔ This starter is catchable on: ⇶ Iron Fields [​IMG]

    ☑ 7 Monster image updated (commissioned):

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ☑ 3 Monster images updated (volunteered):

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ❆ Here the links of all image updated monsters:

    #875➩ Magmarry
    #876➩ Lavappy
    #877➩ Thepralar
    #878➩ Metolly
    #879➩ Cryrful
    #880➩ Volcarious
    #881➩ Obsightly
    #1605➩ Floraby
    #1606➩ Orchirus
    #1607➩ Florasarus

    news source
  7. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

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    Monster MMORPG 19 July 2014 update change logs V 2.5.0 Beta

    ☣ Please read previous version change logs as well from here:
    MonsterMMORPG Official Forum - Version Records

    ✓ Maximum Level Cap of Monsters increased to 110 from 100 level
    ✓ The stat gain has no difference before 100 level and after 100 level
    ✓ You can check new required EXP amounts from MonsterDex
    ✓ The formula is simple 5% more of previous level

    ✓ EXP Max item will not work on Level 100 and above Monsters

    ✓ New item Mega EXP Max added to the game and will work only at Level 100 and above Monsters

    ✓ Wild Zenith monsters on maps will be now minimum 50 level, Legendary will be 60 level and Ancients will be 70 level that not depending on which zone or route they are

    ✓ Now you can use items in NPC battles

    ✓ Now when your Monster is fainted you won't be able to use any items until you switch to another Monster

    ✓ Makes both Monster's HP equal moves mechanic changed
    ✓ Now this move will fail if enemy Monster's maximum HP is bigger than the move using Monster
    ✓ This move mechanic was making our bonus stat system useless
    ✓ Example move Equality : TM106

    ✓ Makes both Monster's HP equal with AVG of their HP sum moves mechanic changed
    ✓ Now this move will fail if enemy Monster's maximum HP is bigger than the move using Monster
    ✓ This move mechanic was making our bonus stat system useless

    ✓ Kill foe always moves mechanic changed
    ✓ Now this move will fail if enemy Monster's maximum HP is bigger than the move using Monster
    ✓ Now this move will fail if enemy Monster's Level is bigger than the move using Monster
    ✓ This move mechanic was making our bonus stat system useless

    ✓ Computer will not select any more suicide moves of Monster if that Monster HP is not below 20%

    ✓ Wild and NPC Legendary and Ancient Monster bonus HP amount halved

    ✓ If enemy Monster had type or ability immunity the attacks should fail however attacks with "guaranteed to make the opponent faint" were working. This error fixed

    ✓ Computer will not select any more HP equality moves unless his HP is 70% or less of enemy Monster

    ✓ There were a bug that causes with 1% to fail when 100% accuracy move used. This bug fixed

    ✓ Remove held item feature added to the user Monster details page

    ✓ View at stat calculator quick shortcut added to the user Monster details page

    ✓ At MonsterDex Monster details pages now there is a quick link to open your profile and filter by that Monster. It is at the part where it display how many you have that Monster

    ✓ Now there will be a red warning button at Monster Center page (where you heal your team) and at settings page (your control panel)
    ✓ This button will appear if you did not validate your email
    ✓ By clicking it you will be directed to email verification page and it works at the moment
    ✓ If you do not validate your email, your account is not safe enough
    MonsterMMORPG: Login Page - You need to sign in/login to play the game or see some of the pages!

    ✓ User stats manually updated

    ✓ All NPCs and wild Monster on the maps updated

    ✓ Special name giving to NPCs system is ready however it requires NPC name list preparation

    ✓ From now on at the 1st day of each month all badges will be wiped automatically
    ✓ From now on at the 1st day of each month all fly able maps history in zone 14 and above will be wiped and players inside these zones will be teleported to the zone 13 automatically

    ✓ All badges are wiped and all flyable routes history for zone 14 and above wiped for 1 time only (because of game moves mechanic changes)

    ✓ Favicons of both the game and forum updated (your browser update may take some time)

    ✓ New filtering features added to the MonsterDex: Filter by Default Ability (the ones that comes with reward Monster), display non-catchable Monster on the maps
    MonsterDex Like Pokedex That Shows All Monsters (1,800+) of MonsterMMORPG Data, Statistics, Features - Page No: 1

    ✓ Price was not being well displayed at market due to color fixed

    ✓ Next turn rest moves were not resting when enemy Monster fainted. This is fixed

    ✓ Trap status will be removed now when enemy Monster switches out both in NPC battles and both PvP battles

    ➢ 100% EXP and Gold boost till next Monday (21 July)

    ☀ Special starter monster catching weekend event started. At this event a starter monster appears as wild monster on a single map:

    ♔ This weekend Monster is: ⇶ #62 Kelblis [​IMG]

    ♔ This starter is catchable on: ⇶ Ray Town [​IMG]

    ✌ 7 monsters images are updated

    ➽ Click F5 or refresh button to see updated images

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ❆ Here the links of all image updated monsters:

    #774➩ Kaos
    #775➩ Hikaos
    #776➩ Negakaos
    #1058➩ Blobelisk
    #1520➩ Rocketin
    #1521➩ Aerocket
    #1782➩ Jawguile

    news source
  8. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

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    Monster MMORPG 6 August 2014 update change logs V 2.5.1 Beta

    ✓ Please read previous version change logs as well from here:
    MonsterMMORPG Official Forum - Version Records

    ✓ All Monsters and NPCs on maps are re-assigned

    ✓ All Monsters default abilities that comes with donation re-assigned

    ✓ Previously Monster Id 1516 Quinnlong added to the game as a new legendary

    ✓ 12 Monster images updated to improve their quality

    ✓ 75% EXP and Gold bonus event started till next Monday (11 August 2014)

    ✓ Vote links updated - the number of vote links will be decreased after we investigate how useful they are

    ✓ Updated monster images (click F5 to see)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ✓ Updated monsters links

    #422 Rutori#423 Faidari#424 Komovin#594 Dipyro#595 Dipochet#596 Dipusling#697 Furryclaws#698 Icepiercer#705 Wookey#706 Fertamam#707 Tikdra#1516 Ryuu#1807 Quinnlong

    news source
  9. alisagreen

    alisagreen Clubbed For Spam

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    omg!!! I like this one, thank you for sharing, and maybe you can like this game - Bleach Online, based on Japanese manga Bleach.
    at gogames . me
  10. #swagvelti

    #swagvelti MMORPGer New Ogre

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    I remember playing Pokemon Emerald, Black&White, Ruby, and others on my GBA and Nintendos!
    Definately gonna try this one out!
    I am sooo happy!
  11. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

    Likes Received:
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    hey thanks for great reply i hope you like it


    ✎ Latest 4 updates of Monster MMORPG ✐

    ☞ Bug fixes

    ☞ Game improvements

    ☞ New features

    ☞ A lot of (70+) cool revamps of Monsters

    ☞ Events

    ✔ Version 2.5.0 - 19 July 2014
    Version 2.5.0 Beta

    ✔ Version 2.5.1 - 6 August 2014
    Version 2.5.1 Beta

    ✔ Version 2.5.2 - 17 August 2014
    Version 2.5.2 Beta

    ✔ Version 2.5.3 - 3 September 2014
    Version 2.5.3 Beta
  12. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

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  13. paksupro4

    paksupro4 Ogre Prince Ogre Veteran

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    OMG that looook soo cool.... i need to start playing this :D
  14. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

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    ty very much for reply


    We just recently did another incredible update

    A lot of new monsters - now we have more than 1860 monsters

    A lot of new monster images to improve overall image quality

    And a great event during week

    Version 2.5.7 Beta
  15. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

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    MonsterMMORPG F2P Indie Pokemon Style 1900+ Monster Game 2 February 2015 update change logs V 2.6.0 Beta

    ✓ Please read previous version change logs as well from here:


    ✓ Entire market interface improved

    ✓ More filter options added to the Sell Monster at Bazaar and Put Monster Trade pages (this was requested)

    ✓ Mega forms of Zenith and Legendary Monsters mechanic added to the game

    ✓ Top trainers ranking system slightly updated according to the new mega Monsters:

    ✓ Mega form of Zeniths do have 50% all stats boost and Legendaries have 40% stats boost

    ✓ They will never appear on the maps and can be obtained with transformation gem

    ✓ Perfect Gem will transform zenith Monsters and Ultimate Gem will transform legendary monsters. Gems will be consumed after usage

    ✓ Gems can be purchased from market

    ✓ Also i am planning facebook giveaway event as megas and advertising event to get any monster you want

    ✓ Now when you click de-transform to basic stage button at the user monster details page it will ask verification whether you are sure or not to prevent accidental clicks

    ✓ Minor bugs fixed

    ✓ All Monsters and NPCs on maps re-assigned

    ✓ 1 Week event started. This event will end at 16 February 2015

    ✓ New giveaway and other events will start at Facebook follow Facebook page: ☑ https://www.facebook.com/MonsterMMORPG

    ✓ During event EXP and Gold boost is 100%
    ✓ During event 1 starter monsters catchable at certain maps

    ✓ Available Starters:

    ✓ 46 - Reagle

    ✓ Official following social media channels are fully started please follow all of them
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/MonsterMMORPG
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MonsterMMORPG
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+MonsterMMORPG/posts
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Twitter : https://twitter.com/MonsterMMORPG
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/monster-mmorpg
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG DeviantArt : http://monstermmorpg.deviantart.com

    ✓ Updated monster images (1) (click F5 to see)


    ✓ New added monsters (6)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ✓ Latest 2 months updated and added new monsters images (each monster resized smaller to fit in smaller images)




    Monster MMORPG V 2.6.0 update news source
  16. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

    Likes Received:
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    MonsterMMORPG: Online Free Browser MMO RPG Pokemon Monster Game V 2.6.1 change logs/news - free online game

    Version 2.6.1 Beta

    ✓ Game framework upgraded to latest .Net 4.5.2 which may slightly improve game performance

    ✓ Server software updates (windows update) successfully made to latest

    ✓ A lot of new high class Monsters added to the game

    ✓ Auto badge reset happened at 1 March (it happens once every 90 days)

    ✓ Mega form is replaced with the word Giga

    ✓ Giga form Legendaries stats boost increased to 140>150

    ✓ Minor bugs fixed

    ✓ All Monsters and NPCs on maps re-assigned

    ✓ New giveaway and other events continue at Facebook follow Facebook page: ☑ https://www.facebook.com/MonsterMMORPG

    ✓ Event started until further notice
    ✓ During event EXP and Gold boost is 100%
    ✓ During event 1 starter monsters catchable at certain maps

    ✓ Available Starters:

    ✓ #47 Bermudrac

    ✓ Here image of updated/new monsters

  17. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Big Brute New Ogre

    Likes Received:
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    ✓ 8 July 2015 ✓

    ✓ Newest changes of Monster MMORPG ✓

    ✓ Total number of monsters reached to 2026 ✓


    ✓ Hundreds of older monster designs are either revamped or replaced with much better artworks

    ✓ Overall artwork quality significantly improved ✓

    ✓ Entire Monster Dex can be seen from here : Entire Dex of Monster MMORPG , 2000+ Monsters by MonsterMMORPG on DeviantArt

    ✓ Please read previous version change logs as well from here:
    MonsterMMORPG Official Forum - Version Records

    ☑☑☑ 2.6.0 ☑☑☑

    ✓ Please read previous version change logs as well from here:
    MonsterMMORPG Official Forum - Version Records

    ✓ Entire market interface improved

    ✓ More filter options added to the Sell Monster at Bazaar and Put Monster Trade pages (this was requested)

    ✓ Giga forms of Zenith and Legendary Monsters mechanic added to the game

    ✓ Top trainers ranking system slightly updated according to the new mega Monsters:

    ✓ Giga form of Zeniths and Legendaries do have 50% all stats boost

    ✓ They will never appear on the maps and can be obtained with transformation gem

    ✓ Perfect Gem will transform zenith Monsters and Ultimate Gem will transform legendary monsters. Gems will be consumed after usage

    ✓ Gems can be purchased from market with in game gold

    ✓ Now when you click de-transform to basic stage button at the user monster details page it will ask verification whether you are sure or not to prevent accidental clicks

    ✓ Minor bugs fixed

    ☑☑☑ 2.6.1 ☑☑☑

    ✓ Game framework upgraded to latest .Net 4.5.2 which may slightly improve game performance

    ✓ Server software updates (windows update) successfully made to latest

    ✓ A lot of new high class Monsters added to the game

    ✓ Auto badge reset happened at 1 March (it happens once every 90 days to ensure equal game playability)

    ✓ Minor bugs fixed

    ✓ New giveaway and other events continue at Facebook follow Facebook page: ☑ https://www.facebook.com/MonsterMMORPG

    ☑☑☑ 2.6.2 ☑☑☑

    ✓ Now you can quickly see via Monster Box indicator that you have that Monster or not in the game maps
    ✓ Example game map to check ☑ MonsterMMORPG: Game Map Starfall Town, Route Id: 1, Zone: Normal

    ✓ The following keyboard shortcuts added to the game:
    ✓ At Monster select page: 1,2,3,4,5,6 to select respectively ordered Monsters
    ✓ At battle Monster page: 1,2,3,4 to select respectively ordered moves
    ✓ At battle Monster page: F to finish battle when it is finished
    ✓ At battle result page: R to return to the game page

    ✓ Psychic Attack type to Steel Defender type effectiveness reduced to 0.5 from 2.0 and all Monsters type chart updated according to this change
    MonsterMMORPG: Type Chart of Fake Pokemon, Monsters, Fakemons - Learn Monster MMORPG Type Effectiveness

    ✓ The country flags should be displayed correctly now. All countries added and IP list updated. In order to take effect please re-login the game. Please report any errors.

    ✓ Maximum Monster count that you can have increased to 4000

    ✓ Maximum PM box (private messages) size increased to 1500

    ✓ Starter Monsters will now effect top trainers rankings because you can obtain them via constant events we have

    ✓ MonsterMMORPG recently added to the Wikipedia and you can improve Monster MMORPG Wikipedia page appropriately

    ✓ Updated top trainers ranking system:
    How does top trainers ranking system work - Detailed information

    ✓ Vote links counts decreased more than to half:
    MonsterMMORPG: Login Page - You need to sign in/login to play the game or see some of the pages!

    ✓ A lot of new high class Monsters added to the game

    ✓ Minor bugs fixed

    ☑☑☑ 2.6.3 ☑☑☑

    ✓ New computer controlled PvP battle system implemented to the game
    ✓ Now you can do computer controlled PvP with any player you want
    ✓ The match result will be printed on the PvPBoard if enemy player did not disable it from control panel
    ✓ It will be displayed clearly who were live player and who were controlled by computer on the PvPBoard screen
    ✓ How to make PvP computer pvp battle: ☑ [​IMG]

    ✓ Now there is additional icon (map) on the main screen and the each route page which will open global world map of your current zone (best way of finding your way)
    ✓ Now there is additional icon (earth) on the main screen and the each route page which will open global world map all zones (best way of finding your zone)
    ✓ All zones image: Monster MMORPG Global World Map All Zones by MonsterMMORPG on DeviantArt

    ✓ Market refresh system activated. At this system older than 30 days Pokemon in the both trade or bazaar will be automatically removed (will be sent to user storage with refunding bazaar fee). Each hour there will be a refresh

    ✓ Game screen shortcut icons re-organized

    ✓ All private messages deleted to move new pm system (no changes at user side)

    ✓ Chat screen re-organized. Now there is global chat, local chat (the country where you login the game), and random chat which is free for all. All languages, spam etc
    ✓ Check details about local chat system from here: Local Chat System - Country Language Matching

    ✓ The country flags should be displayed correctly now. All countries added and IP list updated. In order to take effect please re-login the game. Please report any errors.
    ✓ If you still see country errors please let me know

    ☑☑☑ 2.6.4 ☑☑☑

    ✓ Game security system changed. Please read this thread: ☑ Cheating Prevention System - reCAPTCHA

    ✓ Top trainers ranking system updated
    * From now on, only last 7 days active players will be ranked
    * So at the very least you have to be online and made a single movement on the map in the last 7 days to get ranked
    * All inactive over 7 days players will get 0 points

    ✓ New MonsterMMORPG Facebook APP : ☑ https://www.facebook.com/games/pokemonplay/?fbs=106

    ✓ All unfinished battles got wiped for performance boost
    ✓ PvP Battle Board and requests history deleted because of unfinished battles wipe

    ✓ Hopefully awesome daily reward system is coming

    ✓ All Monsters and NPCs on maps re-assigned

    ✓ New giveaway and other events continue at Facebook follow Facebook page: ☑ https://www.facebook.com/MonsterMMORPG

    ✓ Official following social media channels are fully started please follow all of them
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/MonsterMMORPG
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MonsterMMORPG
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+MonsterMMORPG/posts
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Twitter : https://twitter.com/MonsterMMORPG
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/monster-mmorpg
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG DeviantArt : MonsterMMORPG (MonsterMMORPG Admin) - DeviantArt
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Android APP : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.monstermmorpg.pokemon&hl=en
    ☑ MonsterMMORPG Facebook APP : https://www.facebook.com/games/pokemonplay/?fbs=106
  18. SarmaBPR

    SarmaBPR Little Spike New Ogre

    Likes Received:
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    for my first time seeing it, it looks great and interests me :D
  19. Mayonnaise

    Mayonnaise Cold Heart The Pit

    Likes Received:
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    I like the cute ones! Mhm this is sweet!
  20. Nhecole

    Nhecole Princess of Ogre Ogre Veteran
    1. Gaming Community

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