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AQ3D GDC Promo Code Giveaway

Discussion in 'Contests, Events, and Giveaways' started by ogreman, Mar 16, 2017.

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  1. Alpacky

    Alpacky Ogre Newling

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    Im sorry for posting twice, I tried editting, but I wrote such a long novel of a review, that the 15 mins passed. XD
    To summarize: Its fun, light hearted, doesn't take itself too seriously, so you don't get bored. You can fight a dragon, like a classic mmo, fantasy and the like, or you can play AE fantasy, a giant DRICKEN. Its community is the best part, so many friends, and such a responsive, funny (Well, and childish ;P) staff. Been playing since I was eight or nine. Can't get enough. I logged in and played for 3 hours one day in the beta just because they changed the UI color.
  2. Reovor

    Reovor Little Spike New Ogre

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    I love the nostalgia factor of AQ3D. I grew up playing the original AdventureQuest and many other AE games. Always wished I could explore the world of Lore in 3D, and now I can! I also like the fact that this game is truly multiplatform and I can play it on my PC at home or on my phone when I'm on thr go or at work.
  3. ratfecal

    ratfecal Ogre Newling

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    I've been playing this game since September and it always made feel nostalgic from when I played AQW, Dragonfable, and kinda WoW too. I know its had it ups and downs like certain things getting stuck in development hell, but I like how responsive and friendly they are to their community and how committed they are to not just AQ3D, but to all their games. I know the game obviously needs more improvement there still in beta, however, in its current state its still a really fun game to play with others and its great how many hours I can spend playing this game without getting bored.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  4. Sews

    Sews Ogre Newling

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    The thing I love most about this game is the passion these developers put into it. You can tell that they're passionate about what they do, and they don't just do it for the money. It leaves a positive impact on the game.

    I also love that the developers actually listen to their players, and implement our suggestions to improve their game. Another reason why they're better than many other money-greedy companies.

    In my opinion, the game becomes very fun once you reach a higher level, as I found low level quests to be quite grindy, so for any new players out there, don't get discouraged! :)

    Other than that I love this game to bits, and I can't wait to see it fully released. I hope to win a code.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  5. Richter Lionheart

    Richter Lionheart Little Spike New Ogre

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    All right. AE games were my firsts RPGs. In fact AQW was the first one. Since then, I've played many different games, and I have been growing along with AE. When AQ3D Came out I decided to test it, for the sake of old times, and what I can say is that this game is one with a lot of potential. I''ve always liked to play fun and cool games with crertain story depth, and I am sure this game will be able to deliver a great experience once it is fully consolidated (since it is still in Open Beta phase). It has a some scenarios that look nice, it runs pretty well for AE first installable Multi-platform 3D game (a pretty neat idea. I wonder if they programmed part of it with Xamarin Studio...).... and it's always great to be able to play along with friends, and enjoy the fancy and cool stuff it has to offer. This said, I would love to get this new sword so I can get some awesome weapon arsenal and diifferent options for combining gear. May I get this code to be able to do so? Thanks in advance.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  6. R0sers

    R0sers Ogre Newling

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    My review for aq3d and a gdc code.

    Aq3d has an old skool nostalgic feeling to it for a new game. Even though it is in their early stages of development. There is already quite a good game available. There is at least 30+ items available to craft for all levels, there is rare drops that you can be farming for hours just to get. Plenty of quests, dungeons and secret challenges available to you. Overall I rate this game 8/10 in its current state.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  7. LanceDrake286

    LanceDrake286 Ogre Newling

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    The best part of this game is the potential it shows to be the best game AE has to offer, even better than DragonFable (My current favourite). There's a lot of annoying bugs in the game but I have no doubt they'll be mostly dealt with by the time the game goes live, and if not, that's just game design. They'll get fixed eventually.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  8. Ayyylmao

    Ayyylmao Ogre Newling

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    I've been playing AE games since 2010-2011 July ( AQW ) and i've anticipated AQ3D a lot since it's announcement. It brought what i was expecting since it is in Open Beta, it would definitely be missing a lot of features. But for an open beta game, it blew my expectations out of the water. As an AE player, i could say this game has a lot of potential. It's combat system could be a bit more better ( Like dodging, parrying etc. ) which would make the game really good and would fit the 3D-feel.

    tl;dr - Great game for being in Open Beta and has a lot of potential to be successful

    Would love a GDC code :)

    P.S - It seems to be a lot like the original AQworlds during the beta phase which makes it have more potential! I would recommend to get a bigger team to work on AQ3D to fit AE's "Weekly update" thing since that was one of the main reasons, AE games stood out from the rest!

    In my opinion, AE games are the best Web MMORPG games there is and has a place in the top 10 personal MMORPG games of mine :)
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  9. Lance360

    Lance360 Little Spike New Ogre

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    aq3d Is developing along nicely. this is what game ogre'd me. it would be sweet to add different races. with varying elemental resistance stats. the combat could add a dodge button. love the art style. gdc blade me!

    been an artix entertainment fan since 2008! when I should have been welding and engineering, I was playing games with my life. :/

    gdc blade me!

    Optional weather changes in game? day and night monsters? rain, snow, clouds?
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  10. Red_Mist_

    Red_Mist_ Ogre Newling

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    Over all my favorite part of the game is that it reminds me a lot of the aq and aqw games that i played in the past, still having that humor that mocks general trends (like 2d undead from old man), only with a third dimension. The ability to play over multiple platforms was also a very innovative idea and is working flawlessly (as far as i ca tell)

    The only things i would like to be added to the game is a posibility of travel available to places you have visited rather than just the start of an area (e.g. lowerfire fields in ashfall as a teleport not just dragon camp).

    I have played MANY hours of this game which shows how hard the developers have worked to create such a game.

    Keep up the good work AE!!
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  11. Chuthard Lind

    Chuthard Lind Ogre Newling

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    Hello GameOgre,

    My favorite part of AQ3D is the nostalgia I feel while playing this game, i've been playing Artix Entertainment games for over 10 years now and they've truly become a part of my humor and how I've grown up. This game is constantly making good updates and the best part is that they listen to their community. I am proud to be a part of AE over the years and I'd really appreciate a game code!

    Thank you :)
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  12. SirThanksalot

    SirThanksalot Ogre Newling

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    Having been with AQ3D ever since it was but a tech demo called Legends of Lore, I have seen it's rise from the very start.

    The game has developed at a rapid rate, and with more attention to both detail and the community's feedback than one could imagine. The team is incredibly receptive to new ideas and possible improvements, and that shows - AQ3D made it to the #1 spot on Kickstarter back in it's day, and has just recently even won the award of "best online MMORPG 2017"!

    Being a cross-platform MMORPG, the game is highly ambitious - but the dev team's talent is undeniable, having several years of experience in the field with their previous games. AQWorlds was their first MMO, and before that were several other games such as MechQuest, AdventureQuest, DragonFable and many more. But this game is their greatest challenge yet, and one they seem to be more that well managing.

    Soon enough the game is bound to go into another public beta release with version 1.4 of the game, readjusting game mechanics, adding new artwork, changing enemies and their tactics etc., so now if ever is a prime time to hop into the game! While things still are fairly barebones, the community has already begun to build up and updates are nigh weekly.

    Battle On, friends.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  13. Deadtoast15

    Deadtoast15 Ogre Newling

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    I have been playing AQ3D since it's open beta release and I have to say it is one of the most Lore loved Rpgs I have ever played. I have been playing artix games for years now. Mainly Dragon Fable and AQW and I have to say that a 3D verison is something we have all been waiting for. Everytime new content is added the game blows up with activity. Keep it up Artix!
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  14. PerfectShadow

    PerfectShadow Ogre Newling

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    I feel this game holds a lot of promise and if you have a problem with the game right now, it will probably be solved in the future. The devs want to see this game go as far as Artix's imagination can go without it not being able to live up to it's promises.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  15. dog hiiambob

    dog hiiambob Ogre Newling

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    I'm sorta confused what happened so sorry if I am not supposed to post here:

    I really would like a GDC blade code if any are left.

    My Review:
    I really enjoyed AQW back when I was just a kiddo :p and I enjoy AQ3D even more because its nostalgic but new. Also I discovered the art of AFKing as seen below :p
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  16. BlackSrarz

    BlackSrarz Ogre Newling

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    What i like the most about AQ3D is probably its potential, i feel like this game will go places.
    At its current state there is still lots to do if you like the little things.
    I've played for over 200 hours and i still dont feel much different then 150 hours ago,
    AQ3D keeps me entertained with stuff to grind for and i like preparing for future events.
    The art style is also a big plus.
    Could i please have a GDC Sword Code?
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  17. TFS

    TFS Ogre Newling

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    I love aq3d for it being a online. Fun to play game and it has great looking items and everyone can help each other out and you can get so many cool friends online so I can talk to them in game while we defeat some monsters, with them or something . I hope you liked my review sorry if it was a bad review I'm really bad at them and I hope I can get a code plz
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  18. ZeroX0000

    ZeroX0000 Ogre Newling

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    I'm not the best at reviews but oh well.
    Firstly.. I have played AQ3D since day 1 of open beta, and I must say.. I enjoyed it very much. Although it contains many bugs and all... Its still fun to play! The story lines, the quests, the thrill of an adventure! I know it's not easy for AE as they are still new to the concept of 3D games.. but I must say.. they did a really good job with making this game. I really love playing AQ3D and I will continue to do so!
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  19. Freddy_Kun

    Freddy_Kun Ogre Newling

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    Ogre sorry because I didn't read the requirements I hope I can still participate...

    Well I played aqw last year. AQW impressed me because I liked the storyline of the game. Then AQ3D was released on October but I played on January 2017. AQ3D was the best MMORPG I've ever played getting rare items doing quest, crafting items and specially you can see your character in 3D. AQ3D made me realized that this game is the game that will make me happy.

    Ogre can i have the code pls... Thank You
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  20. Vasuri

    Vasuri Ogre Newling

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    'allo all! I've been closely monitoring the progress of AQ3D since its earliest incarnation, back before I began working for Artix Entertainment as a Moderator in AdventureQuest Worlds. I am so honoured to have been a part of the history (yes, we all know I love history) of this game, which has far surpassed the personal expectations that I had set for it prior to the Closed Beta period. I've watched the elements of the gameplay, the lighting effects, the artwork and the special goodies (classes, transformations, dungeons, etc.) blossom with each passing month, and I look forward to the building up of an AQ3D community.

    Please do toss a code my way, and I'll wield that thing with pride. (the sword, not the code - LOL...)

    Thank you, and battle on!
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
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