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AQ3D GDC Promo Code Giveaway

Discussion in 'Contests, Events, and Giveaways' started by ogreman, Mar 16, 2017.

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  1. BlueSpider

    BlueSpider Ogre Newling

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    Thanks for the giveaway, I'd really appreciate the code as I've been a fairly long time player.

    AQ3D really brings back the memories of my childhood playing Dragonfable and AQW in a 3D version. AE has done a great job re-imagining the older games in a 3D platform and I can't wait to see what they bring next, it's also amazing they were able to bring this game to Android/IOS as it's one of the best Mobile games I've seen to date. It's also really cool to see the dedication, talent, and work that AE puts into it's games, they always make sure the content is up to par with everything else which is refreshing to see these days in game Devs.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  2. Aogami Keirus

    Aogami Keirus Ogre Newling

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    I want the code: 3 I am an old player since the beginning of Adventure Quest,
    I must say that the adventure quest 3d in the future will be very good game. Always to the beginnings like dragon fable, AQW, HSmash of Artix, They take a minimum year to catch a great race to soon be a great and enjoyable game, and everything because they put pawn and love to their games.

    1 I like the AQ3D's reused class change system of AQW
    2 the reused Artistic Design of Dragon Fable used.
    3 That metiesen legion, the game would not be the same without a dage legion system.

    Although they should also look into AQW things that turned him into a monstrously funny game

    many thanks
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  3. Gark

    Gark Ogre Newling

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    Okey here is my review( sorry if i write something wrong my english its not perfect).
    Well let me start saying that i have been playing this game since its inicial technical test and i always liked it but there are a couple of things that need to take care in order to be a way better game so i will break up the review in parts:

    Combat: The combat in this game is good it need a little rework to make the game shine.

    Quests: The last update give us some nice quests but still those are generic quests so nothing amaizing here.

    Graphics: i like the graphic style of the game is cartoony but not so much its in a really good spot(and they are redoing they head models and its looking quite good)

    Sounds:Well this is another thing that its good but could be better, there are things like the loot bags making sounds like a chests, but overall its have good music and good sound .

    Review score 3.5/5

    The game is good but still need a lot of things to be done to shine and also it need to stop being so grindy.

    But well this is my little review i hope you like it.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  4. xyphos

    xyphos Ogre Newling

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    AQ3D is a game I came to know about right after it launched open beta. When I found out I immediately signed up and started playing it and was happy once I entered the world which held so much memories for me since I played the original Adventure Quest. I started the game and slowly leveled up my character. I had fun talking with others who were like me and loved AE games. I loved the community and though It had its good and bad parts, it was still overall fun. The game itself is still very much in its infancy and I know it has alot of potential. From what I have played the gameplay is not something extraordinary but it has enough to keep me interested. The overall story has just begun but I am very much looking forward to it. The environment and graphics look a bit cartoonish but it has its overall charm. Sure there are some that say it could look better it is was for PC only but given the fact that it is for mobile I believe it is good enough. When it comes to audio however, it seems that this is one of the areas that are very lacking in game. Also, since the game is in its infancy, the balancing is off and as a result I find myself having to grind for hours to get a specific item but hopefully it is resolved in the future.

    Overall, it is a pretty fun games to play with my friends and I am very much looking forward to what the dev team gives us in the future.

    P.S I would be very grateful if I got a GDC code :), thanks.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  5. amee614

    amee614 Ogre Newling

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    Adventure quest 3d is the only game im addicted to right now because it brings back childhood memories for me. I still remember playing battleon when I was a kid and starting aqw also. I stumbled upon aq3d accidentally when my cousin asked me to look for a good mmorpg so we can play together, and when I saw aq3d, i instantly downloaded it and now i can't stop playing. :)
    I have no means to buy ingame stuff, so if i could possibly have a code for the gdc, it would be really awesome! :) thanks in advance. :)
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  6. Arelash

    Arelash Ogre Newling

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    AQW3D is an interesting game. Its new and in alpha so there is not too much to enjoy but with active devs things are always being added. There is only 4 classes currently but Im sure just like aqw there will be a lot more coming. It brings back aqw nostalgia. The game is fun but a tad grindy. There isnt as many cool items as id like but hey its in alpha! Im sure greatness is coming

    TLDR: Game is sorta bare in Alpha, but like AQW I am sure they will add sooo many cool things you cant count
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  7. Denzoa

    Denzoa Ogre Newling

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    I had heard of Adventure Quest 3D back when I still played AQW, which I've started playing a solid 8 or 9 years ago now.

    I have always been a fan of Artix Entertainment games, such as Adventure quest when I was about 7-8 years old, and Dragon fable around the time I turned 11, after which I remember trying AQW when I was 14.

    So I was very eager to try AQ3D, I'd heard a lot of negative reviews about it, along with good ones, most of the negative reviews only had about 0.1 hours into the game on steam, so I payed no mind to them. I had decided to try and play this game for myself, and have at least a solid 24 hours into it so that I could actually try EVERYTHING the beta had to offer out.

    I was pretty surprised, it starts out pretty tough, because low level armors aren't as powerful but you'll manage if you have any knowledge of an MMO at all.

    First thing I did was check out the stores and Guardian tower (Yes I immediately bought Dragon Guardian as well), for any possible quests or craft-ables/buy-ables there were. When I was done I left for green guard and started my story of AQ3D, completing many quests and crafting all of the Area specific craft-ables which were available to my level.

    I ended up getting sucked into AQ3D deeply, playing at least 2-3 hours everyday if I didn't have to do assignments for college, my most memorable moments of AQ3D are when I finally received that awesome nightlocke scytheblade, and then soon thereafter reached level 15 and got the full Shadowed sets.

    When I reached my Endgame before Ashfall was released, I found myself grinding for many other things, such as the Necrohen hat which I'm still fighting for, getting all 3 sets of Shadowed armors, the Vorah dagger, etc..

    When I had all of the above (Except for the hen hat), I basically created a new account, but a female one and decided to re-play the entire storyline of AQ3D because I just had SO much fun with it.

    To all of those who are turned off because the graphics aren't on par with triple A titles, you're missing out on what ACTUALLY counts in a game, which is gameplay. Okay AQ3D is in beta and it still hasn't got a perfect combat system and all that, but it's damn nearing it, because I sure had a lot of fun playing it, and I usually never stick to an MMO like this, as I am an FPS veteran/freak.

    (With about 143 hours into the game at this point, after maxing out 2 characters I think I can safely say it IS a decent game, and you should definitely check it out. It is in my opinion better than most HD MMO's out there, focusing more towards listening to the community, and the core gameplay itself rather than trying to look best.)
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  8. KingOtoko

    KingOtoko Ogre Newling

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    AQ3D is still too young by my standards to give a proper review. However I have tested AE's games since early Adventure Quest. So far this game blows all of the others out of the water. AE is usually a bit slow at developing during Testing Phases, since they are a small team and strive to make it as good as possible on the first shot.

    That being said, so far the game has: holiday and random events, raids/dungeons, a simple story, no class restrictions, great graphics for a mobile mmo, and a large amount of items allowing you to customize to your hearts content.

    I would expect no less from AE.

    Based on the early state of the game and the features that have been added in the short time. I can tell this game, when finished is going to be amazing and incredibly addictive.

    The only true con (aside from bugs) is the slow leveling system, it definitely takes a long time to grind out the levels.

    I cannot wait to see this game come release day!
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  9. ArchQueen

    ArchQueen Ogre Newling

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    There is no other way to put this than: AQ3D on Steam is brilliant. It is magnificent. It is marvelous, amazing, fantastic, and every other synonym for the word wonderful that can be found in the thesaurus. If there was any other things I could say for this game it's that I believe this is Artix entertainments best work yet and I firmly believe the game will shine the brightest among the rest of their work.

    I have been happy with this game since it's pre alpha days.

    9/10 :)
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
    howell0704, Daniel908 and HolyCow3476 like this.
  10. Cluder

    Cluder Ogre Newling

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    AQ3D has so many potentials, I know it's gonna be an amazing game right from the start. I started playing in Pre-Beta and I'm so excited and I really loved the game. I love how we can run around the map and climb up the trees and mountains now that we can't do in AQW which is the 2D version of the game. I love how the stories are written and how the characters and monsters are made. The animations are good and the items are epic. All in all the game is good and I believe it will improve much better soon! (That's my review for the game and I hope you can give me a GDC code please. ^^)
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  11. zedzack

    zedzack Ogre Newling

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    Ogreman well i really would like a code so i will tell you what i really like about the game and what i dont like about it. What i like about it was that they're bringing back all the items from pre-beta and putting it in rare chests and that they're making new areas for players to adventure and find something good and useful to wear and use for the time being. What i don't like about it is how they nerf the shadowed gear in necro tower but thats just a small price to pay i would say but besides that the game is improving faster then i expected to think now they're building new armors and hairstyles its going pretty great.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  12. Nisuke

    Nisuke Ogre Newling

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    The game is great for a multi-platform app.
    I have been playing AQ since i was a kid and got into DF and then was so excited for this AQ3D. It just needs a few more twicks and setup for it to be revolutionary in the genre. More designs and more indept mechanics and class progression will do. And please implement the animation when you walk or run the weapon is not just swaying with the hand and it's like in battle mode that the weapon is at the back side ready to swing. I've been waiting for that update since i saw the GIF in AQ3D's facebook.

    Thank you :)
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  13. Marc2125

    Marc2125 Ogre Newling

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    Greetings GameOgre,

    As I look through this forum page, I see many others blatantly asking for a GDC code, however I will actually give you my review of the game! As of now, I would like to start with the character creation. Currently, the character creation is very limited and lacks many features. Being beta this is alright, but it is also much appreciated that the barber shop was recently added to the game. Another aspect I would like to talk about is classes. The classes seem very limited now and I would like to see them become more powerful/elaborate. For example, special benefits for each class or being able to upgrade them to other tiers, as in AQW. The last point I would like to make is more of a recommendation. This is in relation to the crafting system, as it could be far more interactive/immersive if instead of having a crafting tab, there would be a special forge for each dungeon. To go along with this there should be raw resources in the various maps to collect. Mining, collecting leathers, cutting trees are a few examples of these resources. Character creation, classes, and crafting are the three main topics that came to mind when I wanted to review this game.

    Thanks for reading!
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  14. Alice Fateburn

    Alice Fateburn Ogre Newling

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    Well, the game is fun to play with its new feature to play on any devices hora but still there's a lot of bugs to be fixed. I can't wait for more updates especially making it more serious like dragonfable and with the ashfall saga. Thank you, I'll give you a hora in return.

    Attached Files:

    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  15. Zyo

    Zyo Ogre Newling

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    Hello, Ogreman.

    Personally, I have been playing AdventureQuest 3D since the very first day of its release and been enjoying it ever since. I simply love how much the developers care about the game and how hard they are working to satisfy their audience. I believe the game will come a long way and in a few years and maybe even be the best Artix Entertainment game ever made. There are certainly few problems within the game as of now, but I am sure those will be resolved soon! With that being said, best of luck to Artix Entertainment, I hope the progress will continue at this rate making the game develop as fast as possible. Also, huge thanks for hosting this giveaway. I would certainly love to receive one of those codes myself! ([email protected])
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  16. Genessis

    Genessis Ogre Newling

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    aq3D review!: Lets be serious guys the game is awesome, when i saw AQ3D i had to play this game asap! the cool thing about this game is that you can play on the pc and also on your phone so it really help when your at your friend house and you wanna play !.For a pc/phone game the graphic is really good, i like how they made the quest and its not to hard to do them. there is alot of player in this game so you never feel really alone if your more of a silent type of player :D but yea AQ3D is The best that i have on my phone and i often play on pc also ! 10/10 keep it going ! (GDC Blade here i come ) thank you !
    howell0704, Daniel908 and Flame Boi like this.
  17. Qreeb

    Qreeb Ogre Newling

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    I've played aqw since childhood and I enjoy Aq3d more because it's new and exciting. I love the new map ashfall because of the secrets you can find in the first area. Artix Entertainment listens to their players and that's the best thing about them. The game is slowly progressing in a good way. The game is in open beta and is one of the best MMOS in gameogre and I agree too.
    I love the rare items you get in the game from hard work.
    howell0704 and Daniel908 like this.
  18. Flame Boi

    Flame Boi Ogre Newling

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    Hey been playing AE games for many years and have had my eyes on AQ3d for a long time. My favourite thing about AE has always been the large amount of designs of items that they introduce and also how well they treat their community and listen. And they have really done an amazing job with item designs as I would have expected. The game play is also very simple yet the story grabs your attention and keeps you hooked. I am excited to see what the future holds for AQ3d and I will be there.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
    howell0704, Daniel908 and AQ3DKing like this.
  19. Retrosaur

    Retrosaur Ogre Newling

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    Could I have a code?

    Well in regards to reviews, I just have to say AQ3D is a really well made fleshed out games. A lot of times players jump to conclusions and assume the game is meant to compete with games like World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls: Online, and other "major" MMOs but the reality is that it's a mobile MMO that has a suprising amount of content that really keeps the game fleshed out and solid.
  20. p

    p Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    Please follow the guidelines for posting in this thread. They're pretty simple, I believe in you. You can find them in this quoted message.
    howell0704, e180391 and Daniel908 like this.
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