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AQ3D GDC Promo Code Giveaway

Discussion in 'Contests, Events, and Giveaways' started by ogreman, Mar 16, 2017.

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  1. TheFrikinAsian

    TheFrikinAsian Ogre Newling

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    Artix Entertainment has played a huge role in my life in regards to RPGs. As someone who played the original Carnax event back in AdventureQuest, I am completely blown away by how far the company has progressed. When Dragonfable and Mechquest came around, I thought it was just amazing that you were able to visually walk around the map. I remember one night; one of my friends and I had wanted to duel each other in Dragonfable and thought if we entered PvP at the same time, we would match up with each other in real time. Of course we know how AI, turn-based PvP works... Just a few years later, AdventureQuest Worlds appears and I'm running around 2008 Battleon Town with my friends.

    And now, AdventureQuest 3D is here. Everything AE has done from the start has lead up to their newest creation, this 3D modeled beauty. With the game in Open-Beta right now, they have released a small handful of recognized areas with around five locations within each area. The item count isn't anywhere close to the number of individual items in AQ, DF, MQ, or AQW, but would you really expect Dage the Evil to be pumping out 3D modeled armors and weapons as fast as him and the rest of the team can for their other games? The newest release, Ashfall, seems to be another big step for the game as they slowly roll out the next wave of basic game features along with it, the party system. Truth being, I don't know what I can really say about AQ3D. The harsh reality of growing up has taken effect. I seem to always find myself always coming back to AE games as they are part of my childhood and makes me feel like a little kid again. So I have complete faith that AQ3D will surpass AQW in probably the next few years. The game itself is still very rough, but then again, I remember everyone being a loading flame in AQW.
    Daniel908 likes this.
  2. Delirium Flux

    Delirium Flux Ogre Newling

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    There's something a little special about the community that surrounds itself round AE's games, i think that's what makes it so different to other video games. I made very good friends as a young player of AQW, returning to AQ3D i'm meeting people from years ago that are like me returning AQW players.

    The constant updates to the game make it feel like an evolving world (even though the wait can be painful) I've some how managed to sink 125 hours into the game (Okay I admit a large number of that was afking with pals in Shadowskull tower)

    Can't wait to see where the game is heading, I've never been so excited for face texture redesigns.
    Daniel908 likes this.
  3. Kvothe

    Kvothe Ogre Newling

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    Alright lets see then, you did ask for a a few sentences in review so i will do so :).
    To start off I want to say the AQ3D is in my eyes the epitome of potential and progress. The AE team is working tirelessly and creatively to hand us a wonderful game. When i first started playing in the alpha test was skeptical, but with time the game got better and better. I look forward to what will be added...but i already know, Amazing coolness that only AE can produce.
    Was that enough or too much for a review you asked for, i would love that key.
    Daniel908 and Scout Randolph like this.
  4. NuclearNutThrust

    NuclearNutThrust Ogre Newling

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    I love how AQ3D gives players like myself the opportunity to play with other players not only on mobile, but on PC as well. My friend who doesn't have a PC to play AQ3D can still play with me even though im on PC! Not only that I like how AE is always ever changing and listens to what fans have to say, implementing many great features. Can't way until the game is released and we make many new friends!
    Daniel908 likes this.
  5. Mega Proto Mant

    Mega Proto Mant Ogre Newling

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    Aq3d is simply amazing, in short one of a few in entire game industry to fulfil the the promise of ''true cross-plataform'', also content-wise and art-wise, i don't even need to say much, when both are in the same direction as any other AE games: very nice gameplay, deep and/or fun story (with heavy load os puns), i believe this game has a great future to come, and i'm glad i've been part of it from its very first crazy tests!
    Daniel908 likes this.
  6. Xyzrus

    Xyzrus Ogre Newling

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    Hi, what im about to say probably wont relate to alot of people and as well as i just need to get this out of my chest, but im really greatful for AQ for existing as it was a way for me to cope with my depression, meeting new people in Aqw and talking to them has helped quite a lot with my problem, and along the way made new friendships that i wouldve never made in irl, and since now there is Aq3d that nostalgic feeling i got playing Aqw throught the years has passed on to which makes the game much more enjoyable :) TY AQ for being there and as well as the people ive met along the way <3

    P.S. I also would like a code for the GDC blade :pPPPPP
    Daniel908 likes this.
  7. BeastRaider213

    BeastRaider213 Ogre Newling

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    Hello I love aq3d with all my heart. Ive been playing artix games ever since 3rd grade (in high school atm). I really really wanted the gdc sword but I wasnt able to get it. Ive heard from a friend that you guys are doing giveaways and I would really like one. im a kickstarter for the game. My name is Sir mix alot and im out.

    May I plz have a code my B-day is coming up on the 5th of april and this would make my day. I love artix entertainment and all there games ive been playing them since almost 2010

    I have played this game for almost a year now and ive really really enjoyed it. I have loved playing it everyday artix entertainment has always been close to my heart and when I heard they were making a '3d' version I had to sign up. the game was really buggy at first but it has came a long long way. I will keep playing this game forever. I have recently gotten the max level and now am farming all the rares from the beta. Ps. Im sorry for just asking for a code I didn't really read the instructions that was 100% my fault. PPs. the sword is super awesome.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2017
    Daniel908 likes this.
  8. Lhc356

    Lhc356 Ogre Newling

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    Well other then waiting for the game to come out since they first announced it this is my review.

    I like the games graphics overall, but I would like to play with a lower brightness is dark dungeons instead of having to have my cells brightness to max to see the detail or path.
    The items are well designed and seem properly scaled.
    Classes need a bit of improvement but they really need to have a little bit more flow.
    The story is still evolving so I have nothing to say about it much right now.

    And other then that the game is currently is beta so all of those things can change at any moment so right now it's we're it can be.

    Code me :p thanx.
    Daniel908 likes this.
  9. Thortak

    Thortak Ogre Newling

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    I am quite new to the game but what drawn me to it was the cross platform capabilities of the game and how it was able to run on my potato tier PC.

    A university friend introduced me to the game and we had good times playing together even though there wasn't a proper party system yet.

    The best thing I like about the game is probably how easy it is to learn.

    I would like to see more improvements though such as a few more skills, a proper party system and more classes especially support since I usually main as a support in MMORPGs.
    Daniel908 likes this.
  10. Typho

    Typho Ogre Newling

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    I have started AQW something around 7 - 8 years ago. The most I love the stuff what Artix entertainment does. They design a lot of cool stuff and you can just collect and make your character look really cool. Even some bigger MMOS have a big flaw because they have too few gear to wear. The most I like in AQ3D are the graphics, in beta test the combat mechanics didn't feel that good. They weren't so fluent. Something seems a bit bland in AQ3D compared to AQW. I guess it has a bit too much grinding and same kind of missions where you just kill a lot of mobs. In one mission you had to water tree roots and it lightened the mood. If only it had bit more "life" to it, then It would be really good. (Actually halloween event gave more "life", it was really fun even if I didn't enjoy the combat that much!).
    Otherwise it's good as old AE player but might not appeal to new players that much. This is just an opinion of mine after playing it for few hours.
    Daniel908 likes this.
  11. Peter Kang

    Peter Kang Ogre Newling

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    This game is awesome! Just amazing! I have my review up on steam! But I'll make it short and simple on here!

    Social RPG! Great to make friends!
    Always adding new features, and keeping the community up dated!
    Game looks and feels great for a free to play!
    Not paid to win! Still enjoyable, even without paying!
    That's just some pros, there are alot more!!

    Lack of content at times.
    No party system yet, but it'll be here soon!!
    Wish they had a kick system or level restrictions at time, cuz they have low levels that annoy at times.
    Areas/zones feel very bland at times and too small. I'd like the areas be a bit bigger.
    There are a bit more cons.

    Over all, the game is amazing! Sure it has it's flaws, but hey! It's still a game in beta. It's so great for AE's first 3d game!! Give the game a chance, and I'm sure it'll grow on you! C:
    Daniel908 likes this.
  12. Nihko

    Nihko Ogre Newling

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    I found AQ3D last year searching for a cool and not very hardware intensive game (since my pc is not that great), and loved it since. One of the cool factors is that it's always improving, maybe you don't like it now but 4 months from now? Maybe you'll love it.
    The art is beautiful, the textures could improve (and probably will), the story is interesting, and most of the weak points that exist now probably won't exist in the future.

    Overall Awesome Game!
    Daniel908 likes this.
  13. Kirdy45

    Kirdy45 Ogre Newling

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    AQ3D is an.... interesting game with a fair bit of potential. The main draw is of course the ability to play the game anywhere, any time from nearly any device. Additionally, the game boasts a charming art style, an active and rather transparent dev team which frequently updates users on the game's progress, the ability to switch classes at any time and, of course, the classic AE humor.

    Unfortunately, the game is not all sunshine and rainbows. Currently, combat is extremely basic and has very little variation; the most "skillful" thing you can do is running around an enemy while spamming the auto attack button as a mage. This basic combat also results in basic gameplay because nearly every quest requires you to either kill an arbitrary amount of monsters or grind said monsters for a couple uncommon items.

    Furthermore, the game is a massive grindfest due to poor level progression and relatively low exp rewards from the quests. While this will change eventually, it's still a massive turn off as once you complete all the quests in an area, your only options are to grind monsters for a couple of hours or run the same, repetitive dungeons over and over again (in other words, grind with some different scenery).

    The game is promising, and I believe these issues are being worked on, but for now the game is hard to recommend.

    Anyway, I'll take one of those promo codes off your hands if you have any left. ;)
    Daniel908 likes this.
  14. Wispy

    Wispy Ogre Newling

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    I joined AQ3D the day after Open Beta was released, and when I started playing, I was totally blown away by the fun I had while levelling my character and the thrill gained from it, I still play all the time, the art is amazing, and I can't deny that AE have some incredible artists! The staff are kind and the community is always active and friendly, no matter where you are, you can always chat with someone, making grinding a lot easier. I love the game and I think it has lots of space to grow and will do so, I'm sure of it. The game has already had a great start.

    The combat, though it needs improving, is quite decent for such a new game, and we already know that it will be improved in 1.4. I rate the game 8/10, and my rating will probably improve! The game runs smoothly and is well optimized, I also love that you can play where-ever and whenever, mobile or PC, AE have really done a great job on the cross-platform system and the entire game in general.

    I love that players have a large influence on the games future content, and the AE staff listen to the community. They never fail to produce excellent content - as shown by the recent update, Ashfall - and they never fail to impress the playerbase. For such a small team, Artix Entertainment sure do work wonders. :D

    This is my review for the game, there is so much more I could write, and in summary, I think the game is incredible! :)

    If I could have a key for the GDC blade that would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time. Battleon!

    P.S: Sorry about the lack of relevance between the sentences, the whole review was just a bit of an enthusiastic ramble :)
  15. AlexAK

    AlexAK Ogre Newling

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    Let's start with art. I really like the art style, more than I thought I would. But the recolors of equipment needs to be nipped in the butt as early as possible. There's a lot more different types of gear to equip than any other AE game, so I think instead of higher quantity of sets, with a lot just being recolors, I think AQ3D should have more distinct sets of items (like the Golden Helm & Shoulders, for example. Make the Golden Armor, Gauntlets, and Boots match the Helm and Shoulders, instead of being a recolor of the Warrior armor). Add on top of that the functionality to color customize most items and I think the issue of recolors and nearly identical items is solved.
    Next I'll address classes, and by extension, combat. I don't think classes should be an equipable armor like in AQW. I think they should be something you unlock, train, and select through a trainer or come UI similar (although extremely vaguely) to AdventureQuest. That way classes aren't taking up inventory space. They basically just become a skill set (and any associated stats) you select through a UI to use as your class. Also, I feel like 4 skills is too few, at least for the Web version. I don't know what AE's plans are for combat, but I think 6-8 combat actions, plus auto-attack, and slots for items like potions would work. Another change I think would really add to the game is either skills having a degree of customization (do you want your Fireball spell to do more raw damage, or a D.O.T.? Heal in one large chunk, or over time? Etc...) or give classes more skills than you can use on the action bar to give the player some limited customization of a class build. Tank build warrior/DPS, support/ranged mage, debuff/d.o.t. rouge, etc... Just some ideas to make the combat different from AQW.
    Short blurb on weapon types as well. Ranged combat should be an actual "thing" in AQ3D. There may be ranged weapons in AQW and other AE games, but not of them actually matter when it comes to combat itself. I would imagine Mages would prefer ranged combat as opposed to being in melee range. Mage weapons equipped by mages, bows, firearms (if they are ever implemented in AQ3D) should be actual ranged weapons, and not just melee weapons disguised as ranged. Maybe make it so if an target is in melee range, change the animation so that the PC is hitting them with the ranged weapon itself until the target is out of melee range.

    #freekey :)
  16. erichherbert

    erichherbert Ogre Newling

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    as a founding member of aq3d I have a bit of insight for you about how the game plays out and the flaws ive seen thus far.

    part 1 : the good, every time you think of a artix entertainment game you think of having fun, fond memories perhaps, and the sense of strong priority for the player; this game isn't much different from the rest of their games in that respect. when it comes to having fun there is quite a bit to be had in aq3d.

    part 2: the bad, with that aforementioned "fun" out of the way you quickly reach a point where you realize the game isn't optimized at all; you are barraged erlie with hard monsters and not many players low enough to help you in levels unless you get lucky and someone strong takes pitty on you. a major issue I find in the gameplay experience coming from someone who has played so far since before alpha started is that there is very little diversity between monsters, every zone has a mix of the same handful of monsters with a slight reskin and it gets dull quickly.

    part 3: the ugly, this is where it gets really bad. you have little to do in the game at max level (16) and the little you do have to do isn't that appealing you don't get that much of a upgrade from 15-16 and spending a ton of money in game to do so puts a lot of people just coming to the game off because of the slow grind. to compensate for this they flooded the game with free gold for existing people but that just made it so they now have to create a gold sink in the near future for rich people. ( im looking at you blue ). a huge issue currently is the lack of promise keeping from the devs as well, even when they do tell you something is gonna come out it hardly does on time and when it doesn't people are left both frustrated and disappointed. updates are constantly pushed back and not like pushed back 1-2 days were talking months for something they said was done already but all the sudden there is some random security problem that takes a whole month. when you see Pmods and testers they often use items that are exclusive as well which really hurts the people who founded the game for the unique items. for instance pmods that transform into the kickstarter exclusive morph and didn't even support the game at the time. or when a pmod made all his stats 999 and put on armor from a yet to be released set back in doomwood and killed the boss over and over. to keep it short there is a lot of abuse by testers.

    part 4 : the conclusion, all in all the game is quite good but there is some major issues what I brought up was only a few I personally didn't like the most but there Is a bit. I do enjoy the game and I do plan to continue playing it for years to come I just wish they would pull some attention off older titles and work more on the newer more exciting ones.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity I hope everyone on the forums has a wonderful time and battleon!
    Daniel908 likes this.
  17. Jacasta

    Jacasta Ogre Newling

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    I've been with Artix Entertainment for a good long time, I first started playing their original game Adventure Quest when I was very young, I then went on to play a majority of their games games. Playing Adventure Quest Worlds was an amazing experience, as it was an MMORPG with a great storyline in the world that I grew up with. When I heard that they were creating a 3D version of Adventure quest, I really wanted to join and watch it grow...and then was greatly disappointed when I had to pay money to play it, and now I'm even more disappointed in myself for not being a kickstarter as I'm now a huge fan of the game. AQ3D is very unique. A large portion of the gameplay is grinding dungeons. Several in game items have very small dropping rates, which just makes you want to grind the dungeon until you have it. The moderators, as usual, actually play the game with the players every now and then (and they're all great people), and the community is astonishing. Back in prebeta, which was when I first began, Battleon was always full of people talking and socializing. I met a lot of great people back then, a number of which are still active. Furthermore, the game has a long ways to go before its even near to being a good MMORPG, but its an honor to be with the game and watch it grow and become more epic than what it already is.
    Daniel908 likes this.
  18. Supahman01

    Supahman01 Ogre Newling

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    Both my sons and I have been playing since day one, and all three of us love the game. One of the best things about it is, of course, the ability to play the game anywhere, from almost any device. As a father, i really like thats its a lot more "friendly" than most of the games out there today. Also, i really do love the humor incorporated into the game.

    I will say, that Im not a huge fan of grinding for unique items or running dungeons over and over again. However.... thats pretty standard for a lot of similar games.

    Finally, the art is awesome and the community is quite friendly and helpful. I really hope my review was helpful.

    If you happen to have a spare code laying around... Id love to have one. Thank you.
    Daniel908 likes this.
  19. Hellsiepwn

    Hellsiepwn Ogre Newling

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    Seeing as I am addicted to collecting everything in this game I simply have to get my hand on one of these codes, I would appreciate it if you would oblige me.

    Like many of the others here I'm sure, having been playing Adventure Quest since the early days of the original browser version I have watched it evolve into the Adventure Quest 3D that we have today. Seeing as you asked for a short review in exchange for a code, I'd like to share my thoughts with you.

    First things first, it's a free to play game. Which (depending on the business model) is not always a great thing. Adventure Quest 3D however has a very fair approach. Everything in the game, excluding a few cosmetic and exclusive backer rewards is obtainable without parting with you hard earned cash. Needless to say this will check most people box when it comes to trying out the game.
    The guy's over at AE have also done a great job in retaining the original feel of their previous games. We now get to explore an accurate remastering of the iconic town of Battleon in a 3D environment as well as meeting familiar characters. I would also on this note give the art style a thumbs up. It again remains true to the original although changed and improved in many ways to be 3D.
    The Dev's have done a great job at communicating and interacting with their players all through the development of the game. This bodes well for the games future in my opinion, speedy patches and updates are regular to both adress issues players have and keep them entertained with new content.

    There are however still a few issues with the game, being in development still it is not uncommon to run across a glitch or two. There is an infamous "stuck in combat" glitch that I'm sure many people would attest that is one of the most regular and annoying. We see dodgy pathing for enemies and glitchy terrain that can be exploited to escape your assailants as well as many others.
    Some of the newer content is of course still in its early stages and far from perfect, The ability to summon a friend to your location is very bare bones and needs alot of work still.
    Running dungeons and event areas are often a nightmare seeing as you have no real way to choose who to run it with and low level players will often join so they can contribute nothing and be carried through for easy rewards. Although this will be addressed in an upcoming patch soon that will add a parties and private dungeons.

    Overall I will say that Adventure Quest 3D is a great game and fun to play even with the small glitches you are likely to run across, none of which are game breaking. The great art style, lore, funny and interesting dialogue from the characters make the game worthwhile to try out. The constant development and interaction with the playerbase make the game worthwhile to stick around.

    Thanks alot and Battle On!
    Daniel908 likes this.
  20. Jashon

    Jashon Ogre Newling

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    Hopefully there is a spare code laying around somewhere still :) My thoughts on the game are a little biased as I've been Battling On with AE for YEARS. I fondly remember my first days on MechQuest. That is what drew me to the quality of games being developed by AE. Next I fell in love with AdventureQuest and AQW was soon to follow. One of the first things I did when I got my first job as a teenager was saving enough "fun money" to get a membership to AQW. There was just something about that blue name that had a younger me all giddy. And now, here we are with AQ3D which is every bit of amazing as I had imagined it. I first heard about the game while playing AQW just moments after it was publicized on the web page and I clicked the link immediately. The adventures that I have had and will continue to have are nothing short of amazing and I look forward to seeing the game grow and improve as a firm supporter of everything that AE has done for the gaming industry and the impact they have left on me and the friends that I have shared these memories with. Thank you!
    Daniel908 likes this.
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