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Minecraft's 15th Anniversary

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Snowy, May 15, 2024.

  1. Snowy

    Snowy Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre
    1. [Video Game Spotlight of the Month] FragPunk

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    Minecraft is celebrating it's 15th anniversary!

    With this anniversary, there are also special offers: Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition, Minecraft Dungeons, and Minecraft Legends are 50% off (in selected regions).

    And that's not all! Mojang is celebrating 15 days of Minecraft with free goodies which you can access through the Minecraft Launcher.

    Day 1 (Cave Game Hoodie): Go back to where it all began in your Overworld-themed Cave Game Hoodie!

    Day 2 (Crafting Cap): This Crafting Cap will ensure you never leave your base unprepared again!

    Day 3 (Ender Hood): What mysteries lie within the depths of the Ender Hood? Find out now!

    Day 4 (Emerald Expert): Fill your pockets with endless green goodies in this Emerald Expert robe!

    Day 5 (Redstone Coat): Time to light up the night in your brand new Redstone Coat!

    Day 6 (Toe Guardians): Never stub your foot on another oak log again, equip the Toe Guardians now!

    Day 7 (Fleece Friends): Four fuzzy Fleece Friends for frolicking flower fields. Phew!

    Day 8 (Llama Hat): Need an excuse for spitting when you speak? This Llama Hat is for you!

    Day 9 (Parrot Slippers): You'll dance the night away in these stylish Parrot Slippers!

    Day 10 (Coral Blouse): For an evening strolling along the beach, this Coral Blouse makes a splash!

    Day 11 (Bee Boots): These Bee Boots are what all your friends are buzzing about, get yours now!

    Day 12 (Nether Pants): These Nether Pants will go great with your Cave Game Hoodie!

    Day 13 (Cozy Cave Dress): This Cozy Cave Dress is stylish and comfy and features an axolotl friend!

    Day 14 (Allay Bandana): Fan of Allays? So are we! Show off your support with this Allay Bandana!

    Day 15 (Cherry Shawl): For spring mornings when the flowers are in bloom, take this Cherry Shawl!
    Last edited: May 29, 2024
  2. Snowy

    Snowy Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre
    1. [Video Game Spotlight of the Month] FragPunk

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    Don't miss out on the 15th Anniversary Cape.

    You can redeem the cape from Minecraft's website, available on both Java and Bedrock edition.

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