Hahhaaah. . I seee but im mixing mancer and lord :)
Fantasy Chronicles -pvp -guild -Rankings also so many try it
Same here. I want to see whose the strongest player .. :)
Frogzard helm i farm it 2 weeks .. And helm didnt show haha GG and i still farming it until i got that freaking item haha
Yea rekt the Soulborne axe and Frogzard helm i nailed it and ill do my best to get it but i got no luck in my hands haha
Thank you for guide :)
Look :) hahah I got Em They change it to 10 capacity now
Pumpkin Lord Set :)
Nice hahah [ATTACH] Your here too? :)
what is the hardest thing you get and how long it takes you to get it
Shrade boots and plutocraft boots :) Dcs item :( ... Hard to get hahah
STOP LOOK LISTEN PATIENT :) I try it so many times . :( but some how i have no luck after all
What do you think guys if They Put a Leader board in Game for some event like Camp Gonnegetcha ? - for Me. . It makes me fired up to catch up...
Auction Sytem for Safety :) They should put them on game :) it can make sense if that system release it
Can they add Bow or Gun in Game ? To feel more hunter role ^_^
True karina is so OP GG when they feed karina Theres one more. That i bet is ALUCARD :)
Cant feel completly the way i kill then all
I think it depends on team play :)