Im creating new masteries and Im not so good at creating them alone, can you reccomend me any good internet guides? P.S. im talking for league of...
do you remember the game chicken invanders? I think its the best of its time :D now there are better games with better graphics and everything,...
Have you played The Forest, its a new, survival game (we dont have the survival games forum here so I put it in MMORPG) and I really like the...
idk, maybe... Put lower graphics maybe? (try to restart your computer xD :D ) If nothing works uninstall it and then install it again :D it will...
Void or Tundra Fizz :D Void or Tundra Fizz for me :D
Not draven Dot ''draven'', DRAAAAAAAAAAAAVEN :D
Okay, ty for the advice :D
:o Thats really long
Heca for me Olaf is better, but the best is Heca for me :D
Did u see the new game ,,The Forest'' ? I watched the game play (by PewDiePie) and I think it looks awsome :D Gonna download it when I get home...
Oh god I hate it when it happends in LOL, and you here... oh god :D
Longest game? How much did last your longest game, and was it ranked or normal :D ? My was around 1h and 40 minutes :D ( league of legends )
I have more than 60 posts, I replyed here like 2-3 times and I still dont have chat premmision :(
Spear? :D Oberyn op!
Annie op :D
Now im gonna try LB :D
Im planning to buy a new keyboard, but im not going to give a lot of money for it, not more than 20-25 euros or something, so please, if you have...
Np dude :D Im proud of myself :D
Best ADC early game? What is, in your opinion, the best early game marksman? In my its Tristana, Varus and Vayne, what do you say about them too? :D