Best RPG game in your opinion? In my: Cabal, Titan Quest immortal thorone (i reccomend them both)
Welcome to Game ogre! :D Dobrodosao :D
Lol nice one :D
Xin for me :D
'ello guys, did someone yet played Titan Quest? If u didn't, I reccomend it, Its an RPG game and it can go singleplayer and multiplayer :D
I like it :D
Welcome Veljko (dobrodosao ;) ) I hope you will like it here :D
Thanks guys :D
New summoners rift? Hi guys! Did you see some screenshots for the new summoner's rift, and if you did, do you already like it? :D And, do you...
Did anyone here played Naruto Ninja Storm (any) If someone did, can u describe it to me :D ? I don't wan't to risk :/ :D
I reccomend not to play it... But if you must, go ad :/
Rene in my opinion
450 I decided to go badass
I pref Tristana :D
Did you play the Criminal Case game on facebook? I reccomend it, its fun when RPG, MOBA and MMO games get boring :D
I think it can go on lan, but no, its not :/