I agree with you .
Logitech G300 . I have A4tech X6 and i want to change it , i really dont like it .
Iron Man potato or 2 potatoes
My final build is this : Trinity , Ravenous Hydra , Mercury's Treads , Randuin's omen and guardian angel . :)
I've slained Lich King yesterday . Do you play on private server or on retail ? Answer me please
Special Forces if u ask me .
Hello there ! I love LOTRO too , but i dont know anyone to play with im lvl 22 i think . I wish to learn sopemthing about LOTRO . Lets meet...
It marks random target and dealing more damage when u hit that marked target .
As i said this is not my first account . So better read previous posts . People helped me but ty anyway.
Well i think wow is still the best MMORPG , i played Lotro (Lord of the rings online) just to know some lore and stuff . Also Rift isnt bad MMORPG...
Thank you so much !
It will take the a lot of time to get players ... also Lol and Dota are getting more populated so i think people wont leave that games .
Corki is really awesome carry and i love to support him so much . He can easly escape , doeasnt really require skill and works really good vs any...
I'm playing support Leona and always when i support Corki i win the match . I dont say that Cait is bad , also depends how u play and what support...
Its not my first acc , i have acc on NA too 30 lvl and about 800+ wins . I think thebest way to get fast to 30 is Playing ARAM , you agree with me ?
Most anoying champion i ever seen ......