I would really love to have xp boost , also what do you think wich boost is better per wins or time boost . I know they can stack . Is it possible...
Hello friends i really want to reach level 30 as quick as possible :/ What do you think ? I can reach level 30 w/o xp boost till 11 November or...
AWESOME !!!! But i would really love to see Anivia slashart :/ That champion really deserve it .
Poppy is quite good champion she can go jungle top support ! She is so good atm . And I've seen couple guides for Poppy support she works really...
Well , i ussualy see this new sion just going jungle . But from New Sion i haven't seen some good plays so i cant say anything about him now . Btw...
Well if u say animations for me the best animation is Recall animations of Pool party Renekton . It is awesome !
Ussualy i go for Flash / Exhaust . But if my team have only one ignite or no ignites I'm going for Ignite and Flash . Also depends on your...
Well i played couple of mobas and this is my list : 1.League of legends 2.Dota2 3.Heroes of Newerth 4.Dota 5.Smite
New items for Junglers AP and AD ! But sadly most of things they do won't be released .
Well i always choose tanky support leona / thresh , i always go for early domination and thats all you need to win :D
95% things they are testing now will probably disapear , but i would love for some of them to stay . We will see what will happend :D
New items lol !!! All Armor and Magic Resistance items can now be built out of a cloth armor / null magic mantle. Recipes, gold costs, stats and...
Leona Support Is Leona best support in League of legends ? Feel free to write anything :D :sunny:
Is there any way that i can see what is my elo now ?
Hello friends ! I came here to learn something about League of Legends . I would really love to play with some of you . I'm playing support ....
Hello guys ! I've just joined to this forum and i really need your help . :angel: I wish to know how does Elo System work in League of legends...