How cool would a Mass Effect MMO be?
Awwwww....too bad I already have an account. I didn't get anything when I started playing Crimecraft....I'm jealous. :p
I am holding out for old republic. I can't wait for that game. I might have to check out global agenda though. I have heard some good things,...
I only ended up playing it for about three hours before I was sick of it. I could see myself putting hours into the customization, though. I...
I played both of them and the only things APB have over Crimecraft is character customization. Crimecraft might not have the customization, but...
I have a very vague memory of sitting on my living room floor, I believe that I was watching some cartoons. I remember being in my PJ's. Around...
BTW I forgot to mention that Graal is an MMORPG.
Well, almost all fighters are not interesting or challenging when you play them by yourself. If you find someone else to play with that knows...
Lost Winds is a really good episodic stylized platformer. It was worth the points for the 4 hours or so the game is. It's really soothing. I...
Graal was recently released as an App. It was an old PC RPG years ago. It has a zelda, link to the past type style. Only played it for about 15...
Yeah, you do unfortunately. What is the problem you are having? Red Ring of Death?
Soul Calibur is definitely one of those games where you have to look up the moves to do anything great. The item list for each character is...
Yeah I think 3 is the best also. The Les Paul guitar that comes bundled with it is also the best guitar controller out there in my opinion. If...
I don't know if you want to go in a slightly different direction, but Crimecraft may be something that you can play when you are bored with WoW....
Hey guys. I'm Cheez. Not a stinky cheez, but an expensive, succulent cheez. Very Pricey and smooth all the way down... I play lots of games,...