Pasta, from my favourite Pasta-Bar :D :D :D
I woud like to join :D
17 Again .......
Lamb and Wolf . Here is a short video that Riot made about posible new champion :) [MEDIA]
Welcome and enjoy your stay here
League , Fifa , Minecraft , Counter Strike
Ranged mostly
Ninja Saga BY FAR !
Mee :D Hahah jk xd
Nice work man :)
New site is amazing !
Free ... Life .... haha jk League of Legends
I know that fast food isnt goood for us , buw whats your favorite . Mine is Pasta from pasta bar near me :)
Teamspeak is better but more complicated , Skype have a lot of bugs and lags but its easier to get and to use :)
17 ......................................
Have fun and enjoy your stay !
Movie : Avengers TV Show : Gossip Girl
Steak and Porkchop
How i lost my nickname and got a girlfriend .