i made 5 penta kills with yasuo(3 penta)katarina and darius :D I just said izi. :D
Caitlyn because her crit
Varus is better big damage on q
ChoGat because ult is op now :)
Shen is good tank and he is better. :)
Nasus is better because if he has 1000 stacks,he will make 1000 damage that is op :)
Morgana is better but annie have big damage. :)
Thresh have nice spells but karma have big damage with r + q.Karma is better
Diana is better because she have nice dmg when she have 1 kill.
Katarina have nice damage with r .She is better.
Shaco is better because he can make big damage with ad items :)
Ryze is better because he have nice combo. :)
Zed is better because zed have nice damage. :)
Trist have good damage on e and she can split push but sivir have ult cleans 3 sec. I think trist is better.
Kayle counter zed but i dont know i think zed is better but kayle counter him. :/
Sivir have good dameage with q and w and have nice spell e she can clense on 3 sec.MF have damage with q and r but have e (slow).I think sivir is...
Congrats Branko :)
Rumble is better :)
Tresh and leona best supp :)
Le blanc op.My best combo with le blanc is :e,q,r,w :)