Can i join? :peeking:peeking
Elise win jungle, jax win game! :"D
Teemo is beeter xD mooshroms dominating map xD
Mineplex ofc.
Zed vs ap champ? nope xD
Orinana cuz she can burst him faster than he can burst her and if tis 1v1 w/o minions his ult is kinda useless
Ziggs, cuz he can cover talons ult with his ult :P
wtf question xD Leona.....
Riven for me its so broken champ , and i folow boxbox :p
Fairy Tail :)
Rasengaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan :P
4GB :clubbed
Avast :3
Tsunade - naruto :3333333
Android is better :)
i want warcraft 4 it would be awesome xd
Agario, Flappy bird, Flappy bird ><
Very good game something like ARK but with zombies instead of dinosauruses :P