One game i had to play Jinx for the first time, and i got pentakill. I was like dam son, jinx too op. I played her next 20 games until i got bored...
Graves has more burst in early game, and kindred, im not sure. Like stoja said, Kindred has gay ult, but u can use it on your advance
Thank you. :D I have a one question, how do i see how much points i have? I'm so lost here :v
She is worse than Teemo, if she grabs you and you're on low hp gg :s Hope that she is gonna get nerfed soon
I'm new to this forum and I kinda feel this community is much better then actual LoL and other MOBA's community. I would be pleased if someone can...
Read her lore, it says "her prey". So Rek'sai is a woman :D
In my opinion he is better as support