For me is OBS
I want to buy new graphics card. What to buy Gigabyte pcx geforce gt 730 or Sapphire R7 240.
find with better processor. quad core processor is better
I can't remember the name, but it was 2D platform game and you were a rabbit and collecting carrots.
The first game i have played is Age Of Empires
All Mario games are awesome.
TV show: America Got Talent
I want a code please
I vote for League Of Legends. Because i like more the animated graphics, and the third person view.
Hi i'm xiZyzz. I'm new member of this site. I come here because of the great games who the community play.
I think it's fun and cool game. everyone should try it out
If you like superheroes, you should play DC Universe Online.
Nvidia is better for me
Skype is better, because gets more updates and is more in use
If you have old PC then buy new one, if not better upgrade it. :D
It's nice PC, but you need to upgrade your ram memory
I do not use one
i play CS 1.6 and Minecraft, but Minecraft is better
I'm voting for Assassin's Creed