were u playing after the update? dang a lot of wasted keys..
clintz with linken (you need to have fast hands). invi makes your movement speed over 500 for a minute. by the time invi fades, cooldown is done....
sell chrono code for credits!! lol
Hi guys! Carsus here :) this forum's so cool cause of the reward system. Right now, i have a target of 80,000 credits. any idea on how many...
probably a reaallly cool looking dragon like valek. i also love killing gathmore lol
i often open up my facebook while i'm not driving lol. most of the time, i got my phone plugged on the aux and play videos on youtube.
of course, i'd tell them the great tale of naruto wahaha
i heard mobile legends' statement. they said that they had copyrights on their property. they had this problem before with riot that's why they...
Good - because will be a paladin and be a founder of paladin guild
porkchop that thing!! hahaha
No, because after doing so, ppl will just afk and brag :( hahaha
but that's the thing! dungeon raids should be originally composed of balance parties! there's the tank, a support, and dps. It's not about...
Abyss and elegant abyss blade!!
I grew up playing AE games and they were the world to me. but when i got older i got to play other mmorpgs. When i did, i saw huge differences....
mobile!! yu gi oh duel generations is the best!! complete experience from PvP to updated cards
i'm good at being the cancer in the team
working on my mmr from 1.9k to 3k mmr in the very cancerous SEA server hahaha
Slark - no question. i spammed slark in rank games and my mmr went from 1.9k to 3.1k. even if there's counter heroes like bloodseeker or any other...
doom with aghanims will make nightstalker useless
depends on your playstyle. support/offlane - sandking hard carry/jungle - wraith king semi-carry/roam/hitter - money king just my opinion :)