Am i late for this giveaway ? Please let me have one if you still have im a big fan of Artix Entertainment since i was in Grade School. Im happy...
Steam for Dota 2
Street Fighter..Hadukennnnn !!!
Funny thing about my first computer, i cant play games because i have no videocard hahaha
The Major thing i like about San Andreas is the swimming ability.
Vice City or San Andreas
Counter Strike is better than minecraft ,,, live action 1st perso shootimg
What app do you used ?
Nice game ,, open world
T thank you very much
Is there a real time Online Open World this time lime roaming the map with other players ?
Assassins for me ,,, because they are far superior in battles, They can kill the boss without killing his/her army by doing an Stealth mission.
What is the minimum Requirements of this game ?
Yarrrrrr Matey Captain Jack Sparrow has the Trident !
Razer is the coolest !
Bluestacks but sometimes its not reliable because other andrioid apps does not have controls in blue stacks
Because they think gamers are the lazy ones
Who is your Favorite Character? Mine is Sub Zero I will Freeze you then i will Make you scream.
Pc is better because in PC You can save more money.
Logitech for me