For the valentines day event rewards, I'm hoping for cupid gear set and more :)
Hello, Sir ogreman. May I request for the code? Thank you and I appreciate it. :)
Those apples that drop by AE.
I wish they will add items that can be fuse with elements.
Frogzard /bitetheenemy xD
At magma mines. Loot of steelfang and sell. Easy money :)
Combining 2 or more items sounds interesting.
Farming darkovia sample while hunting the stake.
Im excited to have a paladin :)
Darkovia trees you can do parkour there :)
Hide and seek using mobs lol.
It looks a big treat to darkovia monster. Cool
Wishing to be accessible the place/house of pack and vampire
Hoping for that set :)
Its nice to see the dancing giant there. I forgot the name.
Becareful to moglins, they will get your money lol
Ten hours I think?
I used the default control.
My favorite emote is /wave and /levitate