Hey there! can I have a code please? Thanks and greetings from Chile :P!
Tibia. I did indeed like everything about the game, but graphics.. couldn't get used to them. :P
It deppends a lot if you are willing to play with someone or its just for yourself :P For a group of ppl I'd say Mario Party or Super Smash Bros...
Runescape :'c I played about 12 years ago for almost 3 years. I still have my character there.. about a month ago I logged in and it's sooo...
Outlast by far :P
DBS :c today is the last episode :( go Goku!
From all anime I've watched, best soundrack by far: Shingeki no kyojin. :P
Boku no Hero S3 and Shingeki no Kyojin S3!!!
Parasyte! :) It's really really good :P
Can't believe this one is missing! [MEDIA] Shingeki no Kyojin - Sasageyo This one is a MUST listen to :P [MEDIA]
“Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human...
Congrats mtv :D
So.. are memes accepted too? :D ... WHEN YOU ENTER TO YULGAR'S INN... [ATTACH] You'll get used to :P It's quite easy :D The only thing is if...
Hello! I'm here for your same purpose! :) what's your character name?
Do you guys got any pictures of the weapons and capes? thanks :)