Hey can i get a code too please
Pretty bad lol.
AWP for sure.
I like shot guns. Easy damage
P90 would be the best
You should try world of tanks! It's a fun game!
Trading system would be a really good feature to be added.
Some people think 160% is fast enough and I do agree.
I think it's worth it to spend money on aq3d. Great perks from guardians.
Probably the Soulbourne axe. The tower burns you out after a while.
I usually craft all event items.. I craft the ones I like first tho
I think I have about 20 titles.
I only have 10 lucky people on my friends list haha.
I want the og necro hood to come back
I also like cupcake. A very cute moglin.
Frostval, April Fools and Mogloween.
My favourite morph would be the legion flying skull.
Hopefully the next darkovia updates we'll have more to craft and hopefully it'll require a little more fangs.