Mr ogre man can i have code please :(
I want trade in thise game so we can trade some cool stuff that we have one more instead we deleted
For me the new collection is the best because of morphs XD
Ile play DOTA while boring in game sometimes or GTA
I want pvp in game because some ppl are so bullsheit they bullying some noob guy that newbie in game i dont think thats fair. Thats why AE please...
Its worth if you a rich person or have a good gob
The noob mistakes that i did is when i get a rare chest in greenguard i click the home of my phone i dunno why
For me guardian package is the best beacuse it will be so usefull in game
Frogzard ate my head because its the very boring place to grind and i dont want alone hunting its too boring and no motivation to hunt
Is the zard pet is possible in game because i have frogzard ate my head
Ile like to see a flying horse travelform in game
My luckyiest moment in game is when i get my soulborne axe
I cant wait to see the shaman class and ninja class
My items that i always carry in my bag is just my uroku full set because its not just rare and i like ninjas
Guys is there are possibility that they add one more free vault for everyone because free player are struggle in bank space
I have 50,000 gold and 0 DC T^T
Guys is there more rare chest will appear in shulltower when its private or solo?
Guys THANK YOU for making this one its really a big help to everyone
Thank you for this big info aaddron
I will choose daimyo guys