Never do Penta, but Quadra its often...
When i play Jax i always win Xin, but when i play Xin mostly i can win Jax...
Jax always win most of the Champs including Teemo... JAX, JAX, JAX and again JAX...
Always Malphite!!! I like to play with him!!!
This is very difficult to say. I think Lee and Trynda can be very best in a team but that is only depends how skilled playa is playing behind. So...
Xin is one of my FAV killa from early to late game can be very offensive. Also everybody scares to be close to him...
LOLs (this is laugh:) Darius always beat Garen. Garen is good for rookie playas, but Darius have draining slice...
I always beat WU with Panth, but jungle is no problem after few minutes... First 3-4 min game I agree that Panth is slow...
Darius lvl 5 always win!!!
Draven is a crazy lonely killa in a late game when playa knows to play Draven that team always WIN...
I think this is just a rhetorical question, every playa like to play Yasuo when he learn how to use it comboes and Yasuo ULT!!! Yasuo one of the...
Katarina is for me excellent fast penta killer, but need also a good bcg team...
I ban mostly Vayne and Yasuo sometimes Blitz, KhaZix, Draven and Azir.
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I didnt try Kings but Legends did on a friends acc, reminds me of Mythwar... For which game you mention codes? Can I find on this forum codes...
If you have 15 posts, post here and I will add you to the chat:). What kind of post must be? BTW i 4got 2 say HELLO!!! to every1