@Dejo99 Nope :)
Free Skin DreadKnight If anyone didin't know RIOT is giving away Garen Dreadknight skin. All you have to do is follow them on twiter and then use...
Alienware Arena-Arclight Varus Skin Giveaway Alienware Arena is giving away League of Legends keys for the Arclight Varus skin, if you dont' have...
If you want to be safer play duo, but dont play with anyone, play with your friends, because you know how they play. And always be in...
It's more about what do you play better and wich champ you like more, for me Jax is for top and Shyvana is for jungle. Try both ways (Jax top and...
5.Batman 4.PES 3.WoW 2.Banished 1.League of legends
Hi, I'm new here, i heard about this forum from your member "Supernatural", he says that this is great site and a lot of people are willing to...