You can buy she is OP with trinity in jungle.But there is wukong with his ult.So i think that wukong is better opitions(better late game).And if...
hi orgeman i have more then 15 know
Ram: 8 GB Procesore: Intel i7 quad core 4.3 GHZ Graphic Card:Nvidia GTX 770 TI HDD: 2TB
Best jungler in current meta? What do you think what is the best jungler in current meta.My main is vi,elise but they are nerfed know.Can you let...
The best trick is altoali to learn to farm.And presing that "A" button. So wenn you learn it you will gain ELO.
i had 33-10 and we lost
Hi ogre, can you add me to the chat.
I think that ESO is good game but that much money for the game and plus monthly sub is to high.It isn't something special to pay that much...
Add me if you wonth hellmakis2 . Wath you think is it better to play hunter or mage??And wenn hearthstone became open beta??
GTA V for PC i wonth that agme so much but money is alvase problem :)
Best jungler ?? What you think which jungler is best in new meta. i thought it was panth but wenn i see wuk he is realy scary in team fights with...
hello everyone i am Filip Petrovic i live in serbia and i play league of legends on EUNE server
so funny i am laufing do much
Exelent bro who much time you need to write this . AWESOME!!!
CS 1.6 classic.
I think that if you learn to play draven you can carry every game in soloQ(exept wenn hole team feed and enemy team focus you hard).Cait have good...