Taric and Ezreal Are Taric and Ezreal in relationship????I think they are bc off picture on Leagueoflegends.com on news. :hz:
Minecraft <333333333333
Best fiddlestick
Kog Maw Fiddlestick and Annie
How to change my picture??
Newest LoL champion New champio from LoL will come for about 2 mounths called Ao Shin check it out
Try chess nice one XD
LoL ranked teams 5v5 I want to make a new ranked team 5v5.Who wants to join in add me Andrej554.I m on EUNE.Everybody above Bronze I can join.
I like Hecarim too but Thresh is bammm
LoL favourita champs My favourite champion is Thresh.Whats you favourite champ
I tried Hypixel and its super exreme nic gooog best .......I like it a lot.They have 16000 gamers online right now
I think smite is bad
And in 2014 ofc
Lee Sin alee <3
i lkie big pigs and small cows XD
I want to try this game
Best of all is packman
I didnt try this game
Dota 2 is better than Dota (original) ofc
Dota 2 is good