everyday play minimum 6 games :)
what champ to buy for 6300 ip?? tell me plz and why?
ok ty guys
tnx all :)
Renekton vs Nasus Who is better and why?
i think its a russian nation
tnx guys :)
NO.. Rumble top, he is so annoying when he spam abilities.. and Vi jungle, how to counter her op genks??
Best mid champ and why i think it's yasuo because he can easy dodge abilities.
i got 73 champs
how to counter Rumble and VI?* :)) answer plz
How to Counter Irelia? She is so strong in lane..
Who is the best mid champ?? for me its Yasuo
for me its Froggen
i think jinx is easier to fed than vayne... and vayne is weak in early game JINX :)
BANs Who you ban in ranked??
for me it is Wukong, Vi and maybe Hecarim