Monkey belongs to the jungle. What kind of question is that? :p
Varus ult. Even though his range is short, you can´t predict where his ult will go. Ashe, on the other side...
I won a 3v5 once. Was hard, but not impossible.
Zed dude. In my opinion, way more OP then Vi.
Gatekeeper one. Really the best.
Nasus beats both of them :p
Kata, Darius, Cait, Zed.
I agree (totally)
Renekton will win. More damage+Ult. Unless Shen ults away :P
Monkey <3 :p
Volibearrrr <33
Yeah, I´ve been trying to get at least one code whole day :/
AP Shaco can be a real nightmare with boxes. If you want AP, go shaco. But if you prefer AD, go Nocturne.
For Ryze you need a lot of mana and need to be tanky. As for Kayle, you need 350-400 AP to kill with Q and couple of E hits. Your choice.
Warwick for sure.
Riven for the win
Mid: LB (pretty OP) Top: Nasus Jungle: Maokai Carry: Draveeeeeeen Support: Leona
Answered it ^^
Hmm. I would say Smite is the best MOBA game after LoL. I would say Dota, but it´s graphics and champions are a little bit... I don´t know. They...