Yo brothers.
So awesome ahaha good yasuo!!!
My friend saw minecraft on youtube and then called me "hey come to my place" then i came and he showed me the game.I fell in love with minecraft.
One of the best supports!! Try it!!!
Upgrade your ram, upgrade graphics card,put your graphic settings in game on low or delete things and prigrams you dont need on your pc becouse it...
64 is better for me.
Is the lich king free?
Does someone remember the crash bandicoot game???
Sonic ahaha....old days.
Best cool game on lan network i played is cod2 i will always remember those days.
Yu gi oh power of caos have 3 parts: yugi's revenge,kaiba the desteny and joey the passion. Its singleplayer its awesome.
Im playing YU-GI-OH POWER OF CAOS YUGIS REVENGE its awesome game where you collecting cards when you win.I have so powerfull yugi deck with whole...
Ahahaha XD very cool.
I spent like 1 month on building my own town. Im sorry becouse i dont have any picture i was reinstaled my win 7 one week ago sry.
200 hours. Now i play maby 1 hour a day.
My nick is MarkoX2.
Best junglers for me are kha and lee,starting items : machete + 5 health pots.
Awesome game,Skyrim is better but i spend lot of time on Oblivion. Everyone should try it. :P
Can someone pls tell me some good server for minecraft pls??
Very cool minecraft mod is Mo' Creatures. Try it. You can spawn the sea of animals like flys,turkeys,werewolves,raccoons,parrots ... Its fun...