I suggest u syndra,she is counter to everyone-high range,stun and slow on w and dont forget her really high burst :) Ahri is good but until 6 u...
Champions Elise *Base attack range lowered to 500 from 550 *Neurotoxin ( Human Q ) range decreased to 500 from 625 *Cocoon ( Human E )...
The in-client match history has been updated to now show the items purchased in each match. Clicking on the individual match still takes you to...
2014 season GPL summoner icons The Garena Premier League (GPL) hosts South East Asia’s greatest League teams including Season 2 World Champions...
Aliance for me
hello, can u add me? :)
Malphite is best and garen is probably worst champ ever :)
Joined yesterday,looks interesting :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHir32wH07s Never bully smaller than u,u never know what could happen :)
definitely Dragon's Rage :)
New debonair skins Vi & Ezreal Debonair Ezreal 750 RP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V_do0HWBzg Debonair Vi 750 RP...
Arcade Sona update Arcade Sona's hair has been updated to match the updated hair of the other Sona skins! [img] [img] [img] Arcade Sona...
Lee Sin,he is probably best jungler in this meta
Answered :)
[S4]Malphite guide to carry solo q *SUMMONER SPELLS Flash-Flash is required summoner for Malphite,you can use it for unexpected engage and its...
Ingame name: LGF toncez carry Level: 30 Ranked rating: Platinum 5 Server: EU Nordic & East Favorite role: Junglerino Favorite champions: Lee...
8th of June :)
Hello guys.I am from Serbia,and I'm playing a lot of online games but mostly i play LoL,i am playing it since season 2 and you can add me if u...
GameOgre.com SurveyHow did you find GameOgre.com? I watched some video about it What is your favorite Genre? MOBA What is your favorite Game?...